Chapter 156 - 157

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Chapter 156 The Demonic Fox in the Wind (Part 2)

"You are really amazing! There is such a player in the same grade! What move will you make next? Haha~"

Cilang, who was about to serve, smiled from ear to ear and slobbered fiercely without any image, "Okay It’s so cool!”

Fuji smiled and listened with a good temper.

"But..." Throwing the tennis ball forward diagonally and swinging the racket fiercely, Cilang's eyes instantly became serious, "I will definitely keep the serve!"

When the ball fell to the opposite side, he was already in front of the net.

"No, the serve hits the net again! I'm so unhappy!" Kikumaru shouted.

"I see, using the inertia generated by leaning forward when serving, the speed of surfing the net has been accelerated again." Gan analyzed calmly.

"Fuji-senpai is in danger!"

"Although I don't know what the move of that white whale is, can it evade a frontal volley?"

"It's impossible..." Horio and the others started to argue.

"Hehe!" Cilang grinned, and the opponent's return was unremarkable.

"Okay! Ordinary return! Go for it! Jirou! Break it!" On the sidelines, Shishido clenched his fists, impatient.

"What a white whale, you're just bragging." Tao Zitou closed his eyes and laughed.

"Oh!" Cilang's eyes suddenly widened, and when the slow ball came to him, it miraculously rose straight up.

"Ah! The ball flew up!" Horio shouted.

"Hit it too high!?" Kikumaru and Oishi exclaimed in unison.

"It's not like Fuji-senpai would make a mistake." Momoro whispered in surprise.

"Jiro!!" Atobe's shouting was full of warning, but it was obviously an afterthought.

"Wow—" Cilang screamed like a victim of a murder. As the audience stared as if they were in a dream, the ball plummeted from high altitude behind Cilang and hit the baseline. In the blink of an eye, it appeared ghostly in the heart of the opposite demon fox's slightly raised left hand.

Judging from Ci Lang's frightened and twitching eyes, Fuji in the headwind must be the demonic flames surging into the sky.

"That's the white whale, one of the three counterattacks." The minister's voice contained a rare sigh.

In the audience's solemn silence, Cilang looked around helplessly, as if hoping someone would tell him what happened.

Putting down the left hand holding the ball, the demon fox looked at me for a moment, which made me shiver. Oh my god, I'm getting goosebumps! He is indeed a good opponent at the same level as the minister! Looking at him, my eyes sparkled.

"The wind hasn't stopped yet." He raised his right arm, and under his dancing brown hair, his blue eyes were as sharp as a knife but as gentle as water. In his smile like a spring flower, he ignored Ci Lang opposite him as if he was nothing and only looked at me and whispered, "One more goal, okay?"

The strong wind was blowing and the clouds were flying... At this time, Fuji in the wind was completely light and elegant, but no one doubted that he could easily defeat the enemy in the midst of thousands of troops. The rainbow-like momentum of killing people's heads.

"Awesome! What happened just now?!" It was only then that the audience started to make an uproar.

"That's the White Whale!?"

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