75: The first to like

Start from the beginning

"My family, as you know, is all about perfection, Evette." She rolls her eyes at this and clicks her tongue in annoyance.

"So what makes you think it's okay to-."

"- Shut up and listen first." He hisses at her, getting Lavender to widen her eyes at him along side Evette who is just as shocked. "This stupid perfectionist trait they developed forced my older brother to kick the bucket before he was even a year old. I don't know if he's even alive, but he was made to disappear because he was an illegitimate child. They are capable of doing that and it sickens me that I'm only here because they couldn't accept my brother. How do you think I feel?"

Lavender frowns as her eyes furrow with a bit of pity for Domen, knowing how he's been affected by it after his mother told him.

Maybe she wanted him to understand he has to let go of his imperfect unborn child to keep being in the family.

How brutal.

All this time, Lavender felt the pressure is on her and her alone, that Domen doesn't understand what it feels like to have to be told to give it up by force...

But he's starting to crack under the pressure...

"There was no way I could have prevented it but I resulted from it." He says as he clenched his fists. "I could tell my mother was torn by it, that she's powerless against it. Which is why I need to think first, okay? I can't think of it right now but it doesn't mean I won't come up with the solution soon."

Evette eases her shoulders and looks away, feeling embarrassed that he had to explain it to her to stop her from reporting it like a child.

It's serious.

Impregnating a woman be isn't supposed to marry...

"So don't bring it up in front of Lavender again, she gets so stressed because she doubts me." Domen explains as he draws his eyes over to Lavender who slowly shifted her expression from pith to annoyance.

"I'm sorry for doubting you then." Lavender looks away and crosses her arms on her chest, getting Domen to smile at her as Evette stares between them.

"So I just have to play along?" Evette asks as she stared at Domen who shifts his gaze to her and slowly nods his head. "What if we get married?"

"I don't know." Domen shrugs his shoulders as he scratches the back of his head. "To protect her, marrying someone else and living another life wouldn't be a problem."

"To you it wouldn't. Then it means you're willingly disowning your child." Evette explains as she laces her fingers. "You'd have to give full rights of your child to someone else. Someone Lavender will fall in love with and grow a family with. That way she'd also grow out of love for you and live a better life."

Domen clenches his jaw as he drops his gaze to the floor when he knows that's the only outcome that would be the best choice for everyone.

But why does she have to fall in love with someone else?

Why can't I accept that?

Why... Don't I want that for her?

Am I being evil? Wishing she doesn't fall in love and find someone? Share the same bed and have kids...

Why don't I want that for her?

"I'm heading back home." Domen says suddenly as he gets up from the seat and shoves his hands into his hoody. "I have a lot going on in the morning tomorrow."

"It's a weekend." Evette furrows her brows and Domen shrugs his shoulders with a raised brow.

"And?" He chuckles and waves before disappearing into the corridor.

Evette sighs as she shakes her head the moment they hear the front door open and close, getting Lavender to glance at her.

"I don't know what you like about him." Evette chuckles at her as she points to the corridor. "He's become more awkward since he's been around you."

"I don't know why either." Lavender shrugs her shoulders as she smiles back at her best friend. "But... Are you really... okay?"

Evette frowns and looks over to the fireplace, knowing too well she has to voice her feelings out sooner or later.

"I know I cheat on Domen a lot... But I was looking forward to being romantically involved with him. Despite being an only option, I found him attractive enough to try." She nods her head and glances to the carpet. "But since he'd been with you... He's never noticed I've tried to kiss him. And one time he... I mean I was trying to prove a point to him that he's sexually attracted to you... His body didn't even react when I was literally on top of him."

Evette laughs out, taking Lavender aback as she stared at her friend, wondering if she's finally snapped in the head.

"He just told me we're in public and when we got home, after you heard... all that, he spent an hour in the shower to avoid me." She continues to laugh out as she leans back into the bed. "Gosh... He doesn't know it, but I think he liked you first. Long before you did. Because I know Domen must have had a long while processing why he's falling for another woman. Maybe the reason why he was so harsh on you."

Lavender stares at her, slightly wide eyed as she watches Evette explain this.

Still unconvinced he'd have liked her first.

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