Season 4 Episode 16

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: Reminder that I wrote this story 10 Years ago. I was a different writer then so if something is off or too Mary Jane I apologize. But I do hope you still enjoy.

Mick, Keith, and their questionably costumed cohorts said, "You Can't Always Get What You Want," but that doesn't mean it's okay for anyone else to have it either.

Layla woke up and spotted Chuck staring at her.

"What?" she asked.


They both got up and dressed. Layla headed over to Sophies room and spotted the little girl playing with her toys. She grabbed her hand and walked her out into the living room once they hit the living room she ran to Nate.

"Unc up"she said and Nate reached down and picked her up

Layla's phone buzzed and she looked down

Girls found its new face in Raina Thorpe, if only Chuck Bass could get her to look at his New York's favorite bad boy always gets what he wants, and in this case, we think that's the girl who has everything.

"Russell manipulated me to make me look like a monster with Lily so Raina would break up with me and I'd lose my one advocate within his company."

"So you said more than a couple of times." Nate said.

"You need a different plan this time, Chuck. I am not playing that one again" Layla said.

"Nate I need you to bump into her while she's meeting your mother about Girls Inc. then just distract her for a while. I need her away from the office and away from her dad"

"I'm pretty sure a businesswoman like Raina has plans for the day, and what do I talk to her about anyway?"

"I have faith in you, Nathaniel. Just change that sweater." Chuck said kissing Layla and then walking onto the elevator.

"What's wrong with my sweater?" Nate asked.

"He's right twin, change it" Layla said and grabbed Sophie "Now I need to go register for next semester classes."

"That's right your back at Juilliard, thanks to your ex husband."

"Yeah, why did I ever divorce him" she replied getting a dirty look from her brother.

She headed over to Juilliard and registered for some classes, once she was done and was getting ready to leave she ran into Riley.

"Layla, hey I thought you aren't going here anymore"

"I reapllied"

"I'm proud of you for not giving up on your dreams in music"

"I didn't come back for music. An old friend showed me how good of an actress I can be and convinced me to reapply."

"Good for that friend"Riley replied knowing who it was.

"I actually need to go, its Eric's 18th birthday and I promised Lily I would help, plus this one is getting tired" Layla said.

"Of course" he said.

"I guess I'll see more of you next semester"
"Yeah" She smiled and hugged him "I did miss you Riley Mason and I really hope in the next year we can get that friendship back"

"Me too."

Layla let go and hailed a cab. She reached the apartment and headed upstairs. Lily and Chuck were talking in the kitchen. She set Sophie down on the couch and walked over.

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