Season 1 Episode 1

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: Hey Lovely Readers. So, after the 3rd time of this story being stolen and put on here, I decided to finally post it myself. Since this story is so old, I am re-editing, maybe fixing a few things so some dialogue might change a bit. Still deciding on all that though. So if you read this on FanFiction, thanks for staying with me. And remember this was my first fanfic and there may be some similarities between this story and Opposites or I Love You. In fact Opposites is what this story should have been.

Hey Upper Eastsiders, Gossip Girl here...and I have the biggest news ever. One of my sources, Melanie91, sends us this: Spotted at Grand Central Station, bags in hand. Serena van der Woodsen. Was it only a year ago our It-Girl mysteriously disappeared for quote 'boarding school'? And just as suddenly she is back. Don't believe me? See for yourselves: Lucky us Melanie91 sent proof. Thanks for the photo.

Layla Archibald read the post and scrunched her nose at the idea. Serena. Back. There goes her life. Yeah, her brother Nate would be in epic heaven and then there was Blair Waldorf. Sure, Layla and Blair weren't Serena and Blair but for a year Layla finally had a female friend and now it was going to blow up in her face. And all thanks to Serena.

"So has Nate, started thinking about college?" someone said to her father breaking her out of her thoughts. She was sure that Dartmouth was about to come out of his mouth.

"Well, actually I'm a Dartmouth man" Her father The Captain replied, Layla rolled her eyes. That's her father for you pushing Nate that direction.

"Dad has always spoken high of Dartmouth, but I would like to check out the west, maybe USC, or UCLA" her brother replied.

"His mother wouldn't have it. Dartmouth is far enough away for her" her father said as Blair walked up. Nate made eye contact with his sister, and she shrugged.

"Well yes, Dartmouth is my first choice" he replied, and she raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me Captain, Nate can I borrow you?" Blair asked.

"Eh, sure. Excuse me for a second." Nate said

Layla looked back down at her phone.

Wonder what Blair Waldorf thinks? Sure, they're BFFs but we always thought Blair's boyfriend Nate had a thing for Serena.

"What about you Layla?" the guest asked causing her to look back up.

"I don't know what I am wearing next week let alone what college" Layla said then looked up at Chuck Bass, Nate and Blair.

"That's our little Layla, were hoping Julliard. She's a triple threat in that area"

"I guess Julliard it is. Excuse me" she said and got up and walked into the crowd. She sat on the couch next to Chuck, making Blair's minions mad "So what do you think those two are up too?"

Chuck looked at her then at her phone.

"My God you'll never believe what's on Gossip Girl!" Katy one of Blair's minions said.

"Someone saw Serena get off a train at Grand Central" the other one said.

"Good, things were getting a little dull around here." Chuck said getting a smile from Layla. He was right without Serena it was pretty dull but with Serena here she was going to be pushed back into being just Nate's sister. Of no importance whatsoever. But a little fun would make it worth it.

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