Season 1 Episode 12

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: This is a rewrite of my fanfiction Secret Keeper from

On the Upper East Side it's easy to think that the world is exactly as it appears: refined, elegant, imposing. But sometimes all it takes is a little key to open the door to the wild side.

Layla stood by the lifeguard chair Chuck was sitting in.

"Come on, he's not even your type A" Chuck said to her describing her current boyfriend, Jason.

"It's my first real boyfriend Chuck, I don't have a type yet" she said sort of lying. She's had a boyfriend before. Someone no one really needs to know about.

"May I remind you of someone?"

Layla smiled at him and then turned out to the water to see Blair and Nate talking. She turned back to Chuck.

"You over her, I see?" Layla commented.

"I haven't decided" he replied.

"And that right there is why I am not breaking up with Jason to do whatever it is you want me to do with you."

"You ruin all the fun A."

"Oh I know."

Blair walked up to them.

"Enough with the blackmail! Aren't you bored already? I can't avoid Nate forever." Blair said.

"You're blackmailing her now?" Layla asked.

"Excuse me." Blair said.

"Um no this just got interesting."


"Save it Blair I know everything."

Blair glared at Chuck.

"I didn't say forever... just until the sight of the two of you together doesn't turn my stomach." Chuck said.

"And when will that be?"

"Only time will tell, I'm afraid. So unless you want dear Nathaniel to know how you lost your virginity to me in the back of a moving vehicle I encourage patients and restraint."

"Isn't there someone else you can torture?" Blair asked.

"Besides me?" Layla asked.

"But you unlike me actually enjoy it" Blair said to Layla with glare.

Chuck jumped down and put his sunglasses on.

"I choose you." Chuck said to Blair and then put his arm around Layla's shoulders and walked away.

"Is it really necessary to blackmail her?" Layla asked.

"Its fun" he replied.

"Which makes me think, you aren't over her."

"Yeah but remember I know a certain boy from Brooklyn you liked."

"I should have never told you that."

"It's disgusting A, you can do so much better than him and Columbia"

That's when it all went down. A kid was floating in the water. Her brother gave him CPR and Serena called the ambulance. Now they were all sitting in the assembly hall at school.

"Thanks to the cell phone somebody left behind we've got plenty of evidence of who was at the party. Lucky for you, Andrew Collins is going to be fine. Unlucky for you, we need to hold somebody responsible. Miss Queller."

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