Season 3 Episode 8

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: Reminder that I wrote this story 10 Years ago. I was a different writer then so if something is off or too Mary Jane I apologize. But I do hope you still enjoy. 

A/N: For those that may have read this originally on I did tweak this chapter a bit.

In Manhattan, some parties are VIP. Others are strictly private. But some parties are political, And those lines are drawn By the most established of the establishment. And once those lines are drawn, they can never be crossed.

Layla walked into the hotel with Nate and Sophie on her hip. Their family not far behind.

"Welcome to my new suite. We may patent the media system- Interactive, high-Def 3-D gaming. Instant access to the world's largest media library And all in-House food, spa services. Just touch the button. Blair's favorite part- Real-Time surveillance playback. It's naughty." Chuck explained while giving them the tour of the suite.

"Well, it certainly is a step up from the Columbia dorms." Nate said.

"Most penthouses are, Nathaniel. There's three bedrooms. Feel free to crash any time you like."

"I'll think about it" Nate said walking away.

"It's amazing Chuck" Layla said.

"You and Sophie are welcome whenever" Chuck said "Tripp, Maureen."

"Hey, Chuck." Tripp said.

Chuck kissed Maureen's cheek.

"Charles, you've outdone yourself." Her grandfather said.

"My pleasure, sir. I can't think of a better way to christen the ballroom than with a Van der Bilt victory party."

"Your generosity will not be forgotten by me or my family. We're very much looking forward to tonight's event."

"Thanks again, Chuck. Even if the night ends in defeat, At least we'll have a good party." Tripp said.

"Sweetie don't talk like that."

"This morning's polling numbers aren't great. We're down where we should be up, and where we are up, We're barely hanging on."

"That's what makes it exciting, right?"
"Remind me not to follow in my family's footsteps of politics." Layla said to Chuck.

"No offense A, you wouldn't last" he replied. 

"Thank you" she smiled. 

"Excuse me." He said kissing her cheek and walking away.

Layla walked over to Vanessa.

"Having fun?" she asked her.

"This is amazing, so where is the new boyfriend of yours?"

"Him and Jason have got this new bonding thing their doing and decided that this week Riley is teaching him some kind of jeeping thing that he did back home"


"His brother, my ex."

"Oh, awkward."

"Tell me about it."

They stood over by the Hudson river, Layla stood next to Vanessa not really paying attention to what she was asking people until a man fell in the water. She watched her brother and cousin run over.

Later that afternoon they were back at Chuck's watching the news.

"You're watching New York 1- News all day. Just this morning, Congressional candidate Tripp Van der Bilt rescued a man who was drowning in the Hudson River. 'One minute I'm walking along the pier, the next thing I know I lose my balance, And boom! I'm in the Hudson. If it wasn't for this brave young man, Tripp Van der Bilt I might have drowned.' Apparently Van der Bilt was on his way to his..."

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