Season 2 Episode 3

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: This is a rewrite of my fanfiction Secret Keeper from It was written 8 years ago and to be honest not really one of my favorites anymore. The further I got away from it and then came back to it the more I started to not like it. But I do know that there are those who do like it (Since it has been copied and posted by another user 3 separate times.) There are times when it seems some storylines are similar to other storylines. This was my first FanFic and I honestly had no idea what I was doing. So please bear with me. Love You all and your support. 

In these last hazy days of summer a few simple tips to beat the heat. One-drink plenty of fluids. Two-stay out of the sun. Three Limit all physical activity. That is, within reason.

Dan and Layla stand on the corner kissing and laughing and kissing again. They pulled away and Dan grabbed her hands.

"A coming-out party?" Dan asked.

"Well, sooner or later, people are gonna figure out we're dating. S and Nate already know. I am actually surprised it's not on Gossip Girl."

"We're not exactly the world's most covert secret couple."

"We've done well and if we tell everybody once, and then it's done."


"And now-thank you, universe- we have the perfect opportunity."

"Yeah, a party hosted by Blair Waldorf, The biggest Dan Humphrey supporter in all of Manhattan.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Right now? Heatstroke."

"Everything's gonna be fine. Better than fine. Perfect."

Let's hope so, Baby A because it looks like your coming-out party just moved up.

Baby A and Lonely Boy. We always knew she wanted Serena's man. Looks like she finally got what she wanted. Let's hope she's not using him to make Bass jealous.

They got back to the loft. Layla poured her self a bowl of cereal and sat at the bar. Jenny comes running inside.

"Dan, Yay!" Jenny said hugging him.

"Sweaty hug. You're sweaty."

"Thanks" Jenny said

"What's going on J?" Layla said.

"You guys are together right? It wasn't a doctored photo? I mean this summer was fake but now it's real?"

"We are. We just hadn't told anyone yet."

"Oh, this is awesome! You guys are adorable." Jenny said as her phone began to ring "This is Laurel"

Layla and Dan looked at each other and both shrugged their shoulders. Rufus walked in with groceries and set them on the Bar. Layla put her bowl in the sink and helped unload the groceries.

"I ran into Jenny out on the word's out, huh?" Rufus said.

"Apparently." Dan said.

"I'm happy for you guys" Rufus said "And you two have discussed Layla's new addition and everything, how that's going to work with Chuck and all?"

"Yeah, we discussed it a while ago. Though I still need to tell Chuck" Layla said.

"That's great." Rufus said and walked into his bedroom.

Dan walked to the other side of the bar behind Layla and wrapped his arms around her waist. She turned around and kissed him.

"So I guess were public."

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