Season 1 Episode 14

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: This is a rewrite of my fanfiction Secret Keeper from

Wakey, Wakey, Upper East Break Is Done, And I'm Starved For The Dish. Were You Sunning In Capri Or Sinning In Croatia? Give Me The Deets and Has Anyone Spotted Our Ex-Queen B.? Where does The Dethroned Royalty Vacation These Days?

Layla entered the new place of the Van der Woodsen/Bass family.

"Layla, it's so good of you to join us." Lily said sitting at the table.

"I noticed you and my son have spent a lot more time together these past 3 weeks." Bart said. "More than usual."

Chuck, Serena and Eric came down the stair case.

"May I remind you, Serena that you used to have a sense of Humor?" Chuck said then noticed his father "Morning, Father."

"Morning." Bart replied
"Morning, Kids" Lily said

"Morning" they said

"And good morning to you." Chuck said then kissed Layla getting a disgusted look from Serena.

That's right. They were official. Layla wasn't sure how long it was going to last. Chuck didn't do girlfriends. But they had the talk and went for it promising that whatever happened they would always try to work it out for their friendship. Here was hoping it worked out.

"And how is Lily this morning?" Chuck asked sitting next to Layla.

"I have a terrible headache I had a very frustrating conversation with the wedding planner this morning."

"You still look amazing."

"So, first day back at school, huh? Hey, you didn't, uh, want to shower Serena?" Lily commented.

"I have to go meet Blair" Serena said glaring at Chuck and then turned to her brother "Coming Eric?"

"Uh" Eric said.

"A?" Serena asked.

Layla got up and then kissed Chuck, grabbed her bag and followed going to Blair's they continued their walk to school. Blair talked about her nightmare. Something Chuck related.

"At least you get to wake up from your nightmare, I'm living with mine. Oh and better yet. A here is sleeping with him." Serena said.

"Lay you need to think this over!" Blair said.

"You know I've been dreaming of the day I get to be with Chuck." Layla said not caring what either one was saying.

Blair stopped and turned to Layla.

"You and Chuck are more than what you were?"

"He called me his girlfriend. That's a direct quote from Chuck Bass Himself" Layla said proudly.

"Thank God I have plans with Dan tonight. B what are you doing?" Serena said.

"Giving Homeschooling some serious consideration" Blair said as they got closer to the school.

"Look, I know you think everybody is still talking about you. Your 3 week old scandal is ancient news."

"And who would I have heard of new news from. Dorota?

"Well Katy's Dad moved her entire family back to Isreal. "

"Yeah and Constance Bad girl turned Good Serena Van Der Woodsen moved in with Chuck Bass." Layla said.

"And Layla Archibald is dating him."

"So you think the whole thing could have blown over by now?" Blair asked.

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