Season 1 Episode 15

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: This is a rewrite of my fanfiction Secret Keeper from

There are three things we do alone: We are born, we die, and if we're a high school junior headed for college, we take the SAT. And while the test is said to measure our best traits, preparing for it Inevitably brings out the worst...Humility becomes self-doubt...Striving becomes obsession...Some are driven to self-medication...While others cling to the security of being part of a anyone who's used to bending the rules will find themselves breaking them.

Layla sat on Chucks bed papers everywhere as she studied for her SATs.

"A, I told you that I can easily hire someone to take the test for you." Chuck said.

"And like I told you, that's not going to happen." she replied.

"You don't even need the SATs to get into Julliard."

"What if I don't make it in though? I need back up."

Chuck walked over to the bed and helped her up. He put one hand on each shoulder and looked her in the eyes.

"You are Layla Archibald. You are one of the smartest, talented girls I have ever met. Julliard would be insane not to accept you."

"Thanks Chuck, that's just what I needed." She smiled.

"I know, but I also know that you're not going to stop pushing yourself so if you want to come back here tonight, we can do some studying and then maybe something I want to do."

"Sounds like a plan" Layla said leaning in and kissing him. She pulled away and grabbed her bag, "I'll see you at School."

Layla went out the door and headed to school. When she got there, she saw Nate and Dan climbing the steps which was very odd for her.

"Romeo and my brother. Talking." Layla said

"You have a problem with it Lay?" Nate asked

"Not at all" Layla said walking off. She got down the hallway and spotted Blair talking to her minions.

"Layla, are you coming to my study session tonight?" Blair asked walking up to her.

"I actually can't make it. I made a deal with the devil and it's quite rewarding." Layla replied.

"You would" Blair said disgusted walking off.

"A deal with the devil huh? Who's this devil you speak of" She heard. She walked over to the voice and spotted Georgina Sparks. An old friend. One she didn't want to be reacquainted with.

"Georgie" Layla said with a fake smile.

"Good to see you Baby A." Georgina said

"I thought you were supposed to be in Switzerland."

"But I'm not. And you should know that I'm never where I'm supposed to be."

"That's true."

"You should come grab a drink with me, the devil could probably wait."

"I'm not sure." Layla said trying to get out of it.

"Please, Serena will be there." Georgina said.

"Serena?" Layla asked.

"Yeah, like old times. Please just the three of us."

"One drink." Layla said.

"Yay, I'll text you later."

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