Season 4 Episode 7

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: Reminder that I wrote this story 10 Years ago. I was a different writer then so if something is off or too Mary Jane I apologize. But I do hope you still enjoy.

Rise and shine, Upper East Siders. It's officially fall. And when the leaves start to turn, we know it's time for B.'s birthday. We're hoping Serena will be there to celebrate but we hear she's having her own private party with a professor

Layla got ready for the day. Meg had already stopped by and picked up Sophie to go see her mother. Ever since her mother found out she had went and saw her father she wanted more time with Sophie.

"Ms Baizen, these came for you." one of Chuck's employee's said.

She grabbed the papers out of the envelope and looked at them. It was finalized. Her divorce was finalized. She took out her phone and dialed a number she had learned by heart

"Hello" Carter said grody

"Did I wake you?"

"No, I take it from this call we are finally divorced"

"Yeah, it should hit Gossip Girl soon"

"Why, are marriage hasn't"
"Seriously where have you been the last week or month"

"Around, Europe, or Asia or I think Peru"

"Spain, maybe."

"Trying to get me out of your system"
"Very much so"
"Well I just wanted to share the good news with you, so have fun with your Conquest and until we meet again" She said getting ready to hang up but thought of some last advice "and Carter try to stay away from chapels"

"You too Ms Baizen or did you go back to Archibald"

"You're stuck with me having your last name"

"I won't be offended if you go back"

"Thanks, I miss you and apart of me will always care so if you run into any trouble I'm here no matter who I'm with"

"Bye Lay"

"Bye Baiz" she said and hung up.

She arrived at the place Nate told her to.

"Did you get a haircut? It looks different." She heard Nate say to Serena.

"No, just happy, I guess." Serena replied.

"Well, if I know you, there's a guy at the end of that story."
"Well, I might be seeing someone kind of."

"Ooo who is it?" Layla asked coming up.

"You are way to happy this morning" Nate said to his sister.

"I got some papers this morning. You are looking at an officialy divorced women."

"Congrats, how did Carter take it?" Serena asked.

"He's happy with who ever was in his bed this morning"

"You called him." Nate commented.

"To tell him, I got both his and mine because they couldn't reach him"

"What is he doing here?" they heard Blair say.

"What's she doing here?" Chuck said, Layla turned around and looked at them.

"And who brought the avon lady?" Blair said with disgust.

"She's a court stenographer. There's a notary on the way." Nate said.

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