Season 4 Episode 11

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: Reminder that I wrote this story 10 Years ago. I was a different writer then so if something is off or too Mary Jane I apologize. But I do hope you still enjoy.

Layla walked out of her room and into the kitchen. Chuck stood there dressed for the day and Nate was pouring himself some juice

"Whats today's agenda?" Layla said kissing Chuck's cheek.

"I need to go talk to Mom. I guess dad is trying to get a house outside the city" Nate said.

"Wait what?"

"I'll handle it Layla, it will only be a fight."


"Now if you guys will excuse me I have a meeting" Chuck said kissing Layla's forehead "See you later, we'll talk."

"Yeah" she smiled as Chuck left.

"Talk about what exactly?" Nate asked noticing her smile.

"We've had some good moments lately, maybe talk of getting back together, I don't know. I need to talk to Serena." Layla said grabbing her purse and phone.

Spotted-Dan and Blair exiting Sant Ambroeus with espresso doppio for two, but we hear it's not the caffeine that's got them talking a mile a 's a mission.

"Where's Soph?"

"Mom's so you'll see her there."

Layla walked over to the Elevator and waited for it to come back up and then headed down. She arrived at the Ostroff Center and spotted Dan, Blair and Eric.

"No, but Serena doesn't need to be here. Juliet was behind everything." Dan said.

"And we have some questions for her." Blair said.

"Whatever screwy series of events got her in the front door, She's here now, and she's getting the help she's probably needed for a long time, so whatever you're up to, you need to do it without Serena." Eric said walking away.

"Anything I can help with" Layla said and they turned and faced her.

"You've never been a Juliet fan."

"Blair" Dan said.

"What Humphrey, she's never trusted her and I want to know why"

"Not here" Layla said.

They went to Blair's house and went up to her room.

"We can't do nothing for three days." Blair said "Who knows how far Juliet could get in that time?

"Yeah, I think we just gotta tell my dad and Lily what Juliet did with these pills is against the law."
"Police and parents-of course that's your plan, Humphrey."
"Or we could sneak in to see Serena." Layla said.

"That receptionist got a pretty good look at me, But maybe with a wig" Blair said agreeing.

"That's your plan- disguises and accents?" Dan said.

"I never said anything about accents." Blair said "Can you do any?"

"No, look, Eric is right. We need to leave Serena out of this and just find Juliet on our own."

"Well, Colin is her cousin. We could track him down At whatever economic summit he's at this week."

"Well, Nate dated her." Layla said sitting down.

"My minions knew her for a whole year before we showed up." Blair said "Wait Layla you were going to tell us why you don't trust her"

"I overheard her on the phone one night discussing Serena and taking her down"

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