Season 3 Episode 14

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: Reminder that I wrote this story 10 Years ago. I was a different writer then so if something is off or too Mary Jane I apologize. But I do hope you still enjoy.

Get up and go at it, Upper East Side. I hear little J. is having foreign relations with a handsome attach We always knew she had friends in high places. But how low will she go?

Layla sat next to Chuck at a hotel where he was watching someone. He picked up the hotel phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, it's me...Early meeting...Look, I forgot my cell. Can you stick it in my briefcase?... Which is why I need you to grab it...She can get curious, - and right now is not a good time...Great"

"Nate?" she asked.


A women she recognized from the grave walked by and Chuck sat the phone down. A waitress walked over and handed Chuck a ticket holder. He grabbed it put money inside and then took a card out.

"Ready to find out if she's lying?" he asked grabbing her hand. They went upstairs and arrived at room 903. Chuck looked both ways before entering

"Look for anything that might help me"


Chuck checked desk drawers while Layla checked dresser drawers. Chuck grabbed her suitcase not finding anything. Layla grabbed another bag and set it on the bed, She reached in when she felt something in the corner.

"Chuck, I think I found something" She said unraveling the fabric and the second piece of the locket appeared. In it was the women holding a baby "You okay?"

"She's my mother and she lied to me"

"Just remember you always have me"

Chuck kissed her cheek and grabbed the locket out of her hand and they headed back to the Empire. In the limo on the way over Layla stared out the window.

"You can't avoid him forever." Chuck said breaking her thoughts.

"I have no idea what your talking about Bass" she replied.

"Layla, he's a good guy."

"I know, I just don't know if I'm the girl for him."

They got back to the Empire both avoiding the question.

"Wait who's Elizabeth Fisher?" Serena asked as they walked in. Obviously they walked in on Blair, Nate and Serena discussing Chuck.

"Her name used to be Evelyn, and she's my mother." Chuck answered.

"Chuck, how is that even possible? Bart told you your mother died." Nate said.

"He also told me kids wear suits to kindergarten and that blue chip stocks are great for birthday gifts. He told me what he wanted me to believe."

"Chuck ran into a woman at Bart's grave and tracked her down. She told us she was just one of Bart's friends, but I guess she lied." Layla said.

"You okay, man?" Nate asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You don't seem excited. After all this time of thinking your mother is gone, now you have a second chance." Serena said.

"A chance for what? Why even come back?"

"She's here, who cares why?"

"I've got a pretty good idea what her motivation is. Throw this away." Chuck said handing it to Blair but Layla stuck her hand out and Blair handed it to her.

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