Season 3 Episode 13

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: Reminder that I wrote this story 10 Years ago. I was a different writer then so if something is off or too Mary Jane I apologize. But I do hope you still enjoy.

It was the worst of times." Seems Dickens knew something About life on the Upper East Side, Where the only thing you can count on is that time changes has it up politics to focus on issues Closer to her heart.

Layla went up the elevator to the penthouse Sophie on her hip.

"All I need to know is that the most persuasive and powerful man I've ever met is on my side." She heard Blair say as she walked in. Blair came into the other room and spotted Layla.

"Layla, your back. Chuck will be happy to see this little one." Blair said.

"I know, he's our first stop home."

Blair got on the elevator. Layla walked into the living room and spotted Chuck reading a text.

"We're back" Layla said getting his attention.

Chuck stood up and kissed her on the cheek.

"As glad as I am to see you, I actually have business to attend" Chuck said picking up a necklace off the coffee table. She put her hand on his chest and held out her hand and he dropped it in it.

"Does it have to do with that mystery women at your father's grave?"

Chuck looked away and back at her.

"Let me help, I know for a fact your going to shut everyone out until you do figure this out and since we know how well I take to being Shut out we'll skip that step."

"Fine" He said and they headed out.

They arrived at a jeweler and Chuck walked over to the guy.

"Do you remember who you sold this one to?" he asked the guy handing him the necklace.

"The picture's right there."

Chuck turned around and looked at Layla then back to the guy.

"Do you know who he bought it for?"

"Kept the recipients of his purchases private. But a woman did bring this one to repair the hinge about a month ago."

"The woman- Early 40s, brown hair, brown eyes? Look, I would be very grateful If you could share any other information you may have." Chuck said putting some very big bills in front of him.

"I'm sorry. Client confidentiality."

"My father was the original client. Please, this is all I have left of him."

The guy picked the money up and put it to the side and picked up a card

"Elizabeth Fisher. She paid in cash. But she had it delivered." The guy handed Chuck the card.

"Thank you."

Layla read the card over his shoulder.

"Are you going to see her?"

"Yeah, you coming?"

"Who are you talking to?" she asked.

"Lets go" he said grabbing her hand and they walked out. They arrived at the hotel the card said and Chuck went over and talked to the front desk and they stepped outside.

"How was your holidays?" Chuck asked her.

"Surprisingly well, my mother acknowledged that Sophie was her granddaughter and my grandfather didn't put her down all day on Christmas."

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