Season 1 Episode 16

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: This is a rewrite of my fanfiction Secret Keeper from

Spotted: Jenny Humphrey wading in the Met fountain, fishing for change... Blair Waldorf, seen dallying with an off-duty doorman at the Blarney Stone on a Monday night. It looks like the battle Between the Queen B and Little J has moved from the streets to the blogs. Who's sending this debasing dish? I have a feeling...

Layla walked up to the Met steps seeing all the girls sitting and Blair and Jenny in their game of war.

"It's a really small get-together with just our closest friends. Sorry, Blair." Jenny said as Blair approached them.

"Blair can take my place." Nelly said.

"Invitations are nontransferable. She's new to the group. Hi Layla, did you get the invite?" Jenny said.

"Yes, I unfortunately did." Layla replied getting a smile from Blair.

"Just because your names on the invite doesn't make you a hostess." Blair said.

"Oh? Then why is the party planner calling me? Excuse me, girls." Jenny said getting up.

Layla sat down in her spot.

"Excuse you." Penelope said rudely.

"Remember Penelope whose sister you're talking to" Layla said knowing Penelope had a huge crush on Nate.

Penelope didn't say another word.

"Thank God, you're here. Surprised you don't have your tongue down a certain devil's mouth." Blair said.

"He's out of town."

"That's too bad."

"Sorry. Floral emergency. Oh, and you will be happy to know that the entire Unity Lacrosse team RSVP'd."

"Oh my God, it's Asher!" Penelope said as a car pulled up and a guy got out.

"Let's go say hi." Jenny said as Penelope and Hazel followed her.

"How did little Jenny Humphrey become the next Brooke Astor?" Blair asked.

"The same way they all do." Isabel replied.

"Marry up." Nelly said.

"At least that's how Baby A will become a Bass."

"Don't even enter that image into my mind Is." Blair said.

"I will see you later then" Layla said and headed toward the school. When she got there she spotted Dan.


"Juliet, I haven't seen you in a while"

"Well yeah."

"Chuck keeps you busy?"

"Maybe" Layla laughed.

She spotted Serena running over to them.

"Hey A, Dan you're here."

"Yes, and I come bearing an invitation. What are you up to tonight?" Dan asked.

"I know what I'm not up to. Having fun. The SAT tutor was over for four hours last night."

"Mm. So this tutor, is he... Is he cute?"

"She could have been pretty if S would have taken my offer" Layla said.

"Your boyfriend is the one who got us in this mess so sorry I declined and Mm, well, if hair in the ear is your thing... I hate that since I'm not going to use the score Chuck bought for me, I have to study every night. I can't even be distracted by ... that... Mm. That." Serena said kissing Dan between sentences.

Secret KeeperHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin