Season 1 Episode 8

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: This is a rewrite of my fanfiction Secret Keeper from

Layla sat on the couch in her living room. Her father paced the room while their lawyer stood still by the door.

"I don't know why everyone is making such a big deal out of this. It's just a misunderstanding. It will be cleared up in time" Her father said

"Yes, it will, at your trial. This is real Howard. The only reason you're not behind bars right now is because your wife could afford your bail" The Lawyer said. Layla looked over at Nate who seemed to be focusing on the conversation. She clearly didn't want to be there. She needed to be at Blairs.

"I would've paid ten times that amount. You're not going to jail" her mother said

"We're gonna do everything we can to make sure that doesn't happen. But in the meantime, this is not something to be Cavalier about" the lawyer said

"It's clearly a set up. Someone's got an agenda"

"Dad, would you just shut up and listen to him" Nate said getting a shocking glance from Layla. Her brother wasn't really a shouter. He was always laidback.

"Nate" Their mother yelled

"Look sir, what exactly do we need to do here?" Nate said ignoring their mother

"Remain calm and give them nothing but a united front as we fight this"

"What about a plea" Layla said getting looks from everyone

"You think I'm guilty?" Her father said toward her

"It was just a question Dad, how would that work exactly" Nate said defending Layla

"It wouldn't"

"Nate, Layla this is a conversation for adults. Maybe you two should get some rest" Their mother said

"I'm out of here" Layla said picking up her bag and heading out the door. She hailed a cab and went to Blair's. She rode the elevator and then climbed the stairs nearly running over Dorota

"Morning Miss Layla" She said

Layla walked into the room

"Exactly my point. But even if she wasn't, when you get a boyfriend. You become the best friend and the best friend becomes the second-best friend. That's just how it has to be if it's ever going to work" Blair said talking to Serena

"Sorry I'm late, but what are we talking about." Layla said getting a confused look from Serena

"Serena and Dan, not doing it" Blair said

"You guys didn't?" Layla asked

"Wait you know too" Serena asked.

"I went over there yesterday because I was upset about my parents keeping secrets and Vanessa said something about think about what I said and so I asked"

"Well I would of rather it been you he told then her"

"Why didn't you call Chuck" Blair asked

"He wasn't picking up, but he was most likely with his dad so it made sense."

"Oh my god B, you never told me how Nate is doing"

"He's..." Layla started

"When I talked to him this morning I, I told him to focus on his family today" Blair said looking at Layla who knew she was lying

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