Season 4 Episode 5

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: Reminder that I wrote this story 10 Years ago. I was a different writer then so if something is off or too Mary Jane I apologize. But I do hope you still enjoy.

Morning on the Upper East Side, where even our own blonde birdie has been spotted flying the coop early to make it to her morning classes. Leave it to Serena Van Der Woodsen to make geek chic. Who knew Ivy would look so good on her?

Layla stood in front of the stove cooking eggs.

"Morning Beautiful" Chuck said coming in.

"Someone's cheerful" Layla said putting some of the eggs on a plate and then taking toast from the toaster.

"Are you cooking A?"

"I thought I should start to learn."


"I need a hobby other than music which is all at school. I think It was a big mistake to go there. I can model full time for Eleanor and still get to play music and have fun doing it. School made music work."
"Morning" Nate said then stopped "Please tell me that this isn't happening again."

"What?" Chuck and Layla responded

"Well Layla being almost divorced, and with what Blair did you two are both single. Just tell me if I am going to have to move in with Dan and Vanessa"

"Were adults Nate who share a child." Layla said.

"Your sister is cooking." Chuck replied changing subjects.
"What why did you let that happen?"

"I didn't, well anyway I need to go I have business to attend" Chuck said kissing Layla's cheek and then kissing Sophie's forehead and out the door.

"You divorce one guy and play house with another. You are truly a remarkable women. Mom should be so proud."

"Bite me Nate."

"What are your plans today?"

"Going to the park and then maybe see Lily and Rufus."


"Yep" Layla said as her phone rang. She looked at the caller id and noticed it was Carter. She set a small plate with Sophie and sat another on the table and sat down.

"No food for me"

"No, you made fun of it"

"You would of made Chuck some"

"See that's different, there's something I can get from him that I don't want form you ever."

"Gross" Nate said walking away into the next room. After breakfast she went into her bedroom and got dressed and got Sophie dressed. She walked out into the living room and spotted Nate and Dan.

"Juliet and I are going to this faculty and friends mixer tomorrow night at the Hamilton house. You guys wanna come?" Nate asked Dan

"Mm, no."

"There's free appetizers, Humphrey."

"Oh Okay fine You wanna go see a movie afterward?"

"Got him on free food" Layla commented.

"Hey Layla, so your brother tells me you got divorced" Dan said.

"I'm surprised Rufus didn't tell you."

"Wait I am one of your best friends, god father to Sophie and my dad finds out first."

"Lily drug it out of me."

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