Season 3 Episode 9

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: Reminder that I wrote this story 10 Years ago. I was a different writer then so if something is off or too Mary Jane I apologize. But I do hope you still enjoy.

A/N: For those that may have read this originally on I did tweak this chapter a bit. 

Have you been so busy that you've forgotten what time of year it is? Let me give you a hint couture, quadrilles and cutthroat competition. That's right. It's time for cotillion. Just like the mob, New York prep schools have their own five families, you may be the John Gotti of Constance, little J. , but that doesn't mean you'll ever be part of this Cosa Nostra.

Layla sat next to Vanessa and across from Dan at a table, them craming for exams.

"Do you think you can get brain damage - from learning too much too fast?" Olivia asked.

"No" Layla replied.

"You're the one who wanted the real college experience, - cramming for exams." Dan said.

"I know."

"I am so glad that I will be at Juilliard next semester." Layla said.
"What you got in!" Vanessa squealed.


"Oh, my God. No way! - Please tell me that Guinevere will use the unholy grail to free Lancelot from Arthur's eternal torture." Some nerds came over to Olivia said.

""Endless Knights 4"? Why didn't you tell me?" Vanessa asked.

"Uh yeah, you have to share this news with us" Layla said.

"Because it's not happening. Those rumors have been going around forever."

"But Warner Brothers sent out a press release. I'll never trust Harry Knowles again."

"Sorry, guys. It's not happening. If it were true, I'd have about a hundred phone calls about it by now." Olivia said and then looked at her phone "Crap I'll be right back."

Olivia got up and headed outside.

"I'm sure it's not true. Though it'd be kinda awesome." Vanessa said.

"I wonder if I could get a part" Layla said.


Riley walked through the door and walked over to them.

"Hey" he said and pulled a chair over.

"What brings you to this side of the city?" Dan asked.

"Well I do have a girlfriend that goes to school on this side of the city so"

"I'll text you guys later. I need to hang out with my boyfriend before I go to The Cotillion thing tonight."

"Right I forgot that It was that time of year" Dan said.

Layla got up and followed Riley outside. They took a cab and ended up in Central Park.

"So Cotillion what is that exactly?"

"Its when girls make their debut into society. Chuck was my escort and my brother punched Carter at mine"

"Oh, so have you gotten your letter yet?" Riley asked changing the subject.

Layla stopped and turned and looked at him.

"Oh no, you did and you didn't make it."

"Oh no I got it and I made it."

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