Season 3 Episode 20

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: Reminder that I wrote this story 10 Years ago. I was a different writer then so if something is off or too Mary Jane I apologize. But I do hope you still enjoy.

It's said that we're all strapped to fortune's wheel Nowhere is this truer than the ever-changing landscape of love. As one couple enjoys an upswing another is plunged downwards. But top or bottom, don't get too comfortable, because the one thing you can rely on is that the wheel will keep on turning.

"All right, I'm heading to my mom's for breakfast." Serena said as Layla walked into the kitchen with Sophie trotting behind her.

"Hey, hey, hey. You're coming in late and leaving early all week. I'm starting to feel cheap." Nate said.

"Oh, I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. Just with everything going so well with my dad."

"Hey, Serena, no worries."


"Look, I love being your crash pad, but, you know, maybe you'd feel better if you moved back in - with your mom while she's getting her treatment."

"And have to see Jenny's lying face first thing in the morning? No, thank you."

Nate and Serena started to kiss.

"Please get a room" Layla finally said.

"Up" Sophie said to Nate.

"Hello Princess" he said picking her up.

"Aww" Serena said and gave Nate another kiss "I'll see you at breakfast A"

"Yeah" she replied as a girl came out of Chuck's room.

"That is not the same girl Chuck came home with last night." Serena said.

"Has he, uh, come to talk to Lily yet? Do you want me to talk to him?" Nate asked.

"I already tried," Layla said.

"Ands if A tried there's no getting through to him"

"I'll try a different route later" she smiled.

"I didn't want to hear that" Nate said.

"I'm gonna come to your lacrosse game after brunch." Serena said then turned and looked at Chuck.

"Judge away. Shame turns me on."

"Bye" Serena said and left.

"Come on Sophie we need to go see Rufus and Lily" she said and grabbed Sophie out of Nate's arms. She walked over to Chuck and kissed his cheek "You should really come."


"Don't Layla me" she replied and headed toward the elevator.

She arrived at Rufus and Lily's and headed up the elevator. She walked into the room and spotted a lot of food.

"I'm here"

"Layla good to see you" Rufus said hugging her.

"Good morning, everyone. Oh, look at all of this food. It's obscene." Lily said

"You okay? How are you feeling? - Can I get you something?" everyone said at once

"Please, everyone, relax. What I need is for the people who love me to treat me like they always do."

"Has anybody heard from Chuck?" Rufus asked.

"Yeah, uh, he's he's sorry he couldn't make it." Layla replied " But I do have a little girl that is part of him so"

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