Season 3 Episode 19

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: Reminder that I wrote this story 10 Years ago. I was a different writer then so if something is off or too Mary Jane I apologize. But I do hope you still enjoy.

On the Upper East Side, New days don't always bring new beginnings, But they almost always bring new surprises.

Layla stood in her room, she had shipped out the copies of the papers for someone to look over and was waiting on a phone call back on it. She honestly had never doubted their marriage until Carter had said something. 

 Sophie was with her mom for the day which was confusing to her. She walked out into the living room and spotted Jenny getting her stuff together.

"Have fun last night?" Layla asked her.

"It was a game of Wii A" Jenny replied.

"I'm not judging."

"It sounds like it, and didn't you get in late last night?"

"If you want to know my whereabouts I was at my moms dropping Sophie off. She wanted to spend the next few days with her."

"At night?"
"I do have a life that doesn't revolve around..."

The elevator door opened and in walked Chuck.

"...Chuck" she said.

"There is an outlet by the bed, And I will be in in a minute." Chuck said to a girl he walked in with.
"You look like hell." Jenny said to him.

"Small price to pay to feel like heaven. Where's Archibald? Don't tell me you two finally closed the deal."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Chuck."

"And Layla you look beautiful as always"

Layla's phone rang and she answered it.


"Is this Layla Baizen" the guy said making Layla leave the room.

"Yes, its Archibald I never took his name."

"Of course. You are in fact married. The way out of..."

"I know my options thank you" she said and hung up. She pulled the document out of her purse and stared at it and then put it back. She returned to the other room sending a text to Carter.

"The odds of me remembering this conversation are slim." Chuck said continuing the conversation with Jenny.

"Wait what do you mean, I'll stand a chance now?" Jenny asked which made Layla wonder what was said.

"Archibald's never gonna cross the line. He's a good guy. He would cling to Serena's golden locks until she pushes him away."

"Yeah, but why would she do that? I mean, he's been totally patient and understanding."

"You and I know that, but if she were to think Nate had, in fact, betrayed her, She would drive him into your waiting arms in no time."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"Cause he wants Nate back and that's the only way" Layla said entering the conversation.

"There's a reason she's my best friend" Chuck smiled "Now all you need is something to make her suspicious."

Chuck went into the other room leaving the two there


"Who was on the phone, sounded important" Jenny stated.

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