Season 2 Episode 18

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: This is a rewrite of my fanfiction Secret Keeper from It was written 8 years ago and to be honest not really one of my favorites anymore. The further I got away from it and then came back to it the more I started to not like it. But I do know that there are those who do like it (Since it has been copied and posted by another user 3 separate times.) There are times when it seems some storylines are similar to other storylines. This was my first FanFic and I honestly had no idea what I was doing. So please bear with me. Love You all and your support. 

On the Upper East Side, All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players. But once a year, Constance/St. Jude's students shed their usual roles and Take on new ones for the senior class play. This year's pick- "The Age of Innocence. Before "Gossip Girl," there was Edith Wharton, and how little has changed. The same society snobs still reigned, Only in corsets and horse-drawn carriages.

"I just can't believe this is a senior requirement or that Chuck got a doctor to actually diagnose him with acute stage fright." Nate said trying on a costume.

"Well you can expect that from Chuck" Layla said.

"And you, why aren't you performing in this?" Dan asked her.

"I'm going to go find Vanessa" Layla said leaving the room with Nate behind her.

Layla went out into the stage and spotted Vanessa.

"Hey V" she said.

"Hey, why aren't you acting in this Miss Julliard?" Vanessa asked her.

"I just I have my reasons."

"How is the Julliard thing going?"

"I had my audition and now I am just hoping for the best, though if I make it I am not going full time."

"With Sophie, well just remember that I am always up for babysitting duties, I love that little girl."

"I just don't get why you want to do a documentary on all this." Nate said coming up to them."

"Are you kidding? A high school forks out a small fortune to stage a play okay. Hires Broadway's hottest up-and-coming director- That means you've got wealth, privilege, atrocious acting. And the fact that you're doing "The Age of Innocence," - Well, that's just the icing on the cake."

"Yes The Age of Innocence is a great choice." Layla said.

"Which still doesn't why you aren't doing it." Nate said.

"I won't make you look bad" Vanessa said putting the camera in Nate's face.

"Stop" he said.

"And since A won't be in the production she'll be my assistant" Vanessa said.

"Exactly" Layla said "I don't know if I'll be good at it but I'll try."

"I don't like you two as best friends." Nate said.

"I actually do." Vanessa said.

"Why is it your always best friends with my girlfriend?"

"Because I have to make sure she's good enough." Layla looks Vanessa over "I approve."

""The Age of Innocence" is one of the most beautiful books ever." Vanessa said changing the subject.

"Ugh It's, like, the most boring book ever. Nothing happens. Guy and girl want to be together, but can't, end of story" Nate said.

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