Season 2 Episode 12

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: This is a rewrite of my fanfiction Secret Keeper from It was written 8 years ago and to be honest not really one of my favorites anymore. The further I got away from it and then came back to it the more I started to not like it. But I do know that there are those who do like it (Since it has been copied and posted by another user 3 separate times.) There are times when it seems some storylines are similar to other storylines. This was my first FanFic and I honestly had no idea what I was doing. So please bear with me. Love You all and your support. 

Winter in New York A gossip girl checklist to surviving the cold Cashmere stole for ice-skating at Wollman Rink Jacques Torres hot chocolate for window-shopping the holiday displays and the perfect date to the senior snowflake charity ball.

Layla sat outside with Serena and Blair.

"B I have other things to do today." Serena said.

"Serena, this is the holiday event for high school seniors. The Queen and the Queen-to-be from all the big private schools will be there. The pictures dominate the society pages - through the New Year. I need a ringer." Blair explained.

"Wait, have all of these guys asked you already?" Layla asked noticing her list.

"Of course. You think Angelina Jolie even considers a project without an offer on the table? - I'm strictly a pay or play dater."

"Just out of curiosity, who's in the lead to play "guy with no future"? "Chuck said approaching them and sitting down next to Layla.

"What makes you think I'm not looking for something long-term?" Blair asked.

"Call it a hunch."

"Keith Nelson."

"Are you kidding? Have you ever seen him without gum? The oral fixation alone would drive you insane. "Chuck said.

"Andy Clark."

"Outscored your verbal on the SATs."

"I like an intelligent can whisper mellifluous nothings in my ear."

"You only think you like an intelligent man. The moment he gave you a history of the word "mellifluous," you'd rip out his sweetly flowing tongue."

"Okay" Blair said after looking over at Serena and then across at Layla.

"Hey, um, I'll call you later." Serena said getting up. Layla looked up where Serena was headed and saw Dan.

"So who's next?" Chuck said

Blair huffed and then got up and collected her stuff and left

"You're bothered she's going with someone other than you?" Layla asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about A."

"I'm Layla Archibald I know you better than you know yourself."

"Who are you going with?"

"Don't change the subject" Layla said as Riley sat down.

"Hello Chuck, Layla." Riley greeted.

"Hi Riley" Layla said "So Ry, are you going to the Snowflake Ball?"

"If I have a date."

"Be mine" Layla smiled looking over at him and then at Chuck.

"Okay" Riley said.

"Just ask her Chuck." Layla said trying to encourage her best friend.

"No I have a better solution" Chuck said getting up.

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