Season 2 Episode 25

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Disclaimer: I only own Layla all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

A/N: This is a rewrite of my fanfiction Secret Keeper from It was written 8 years ago and to be honest not really one of my favorites anymore. The further I got away from it and then came back to it the more I started to not like it. But I do know that there are those who do like it (Since it has been copied and posted by another user 3 separate times.) There are times when it seems some storylines are similar to other storylines. This was my first FanFic and I honestly had no idea what I was doing. So please bear with me. Love You all and your support.

Like everything on the upper east side High school graduation is done a little differently. Who needs pomp and circumstance when you have paparazzi?

Layla sat with Blair and Serena at breakfast before there graduation ceremony.

"Ever since Gossip Girl broke my arrest It has been everywhere. Do you know Eric found it in Pravda" Serena said putting down a paper.

"You're famous because you got arrested." Layla said.

"Of course this happened to you." Blair said.

"I just can't wait for this day to be over. The end of high school means the end of me on Gossip Girl."

"" No, she has plagued you more than anyone. You were her first blast ninth grade, if I remember correctly." Blair said.

"Oh yeah It involved a white dress some rain and a recently docked aircraft carrier?" Layla joked.

"Okay, let's just hope that my mug shot is The last thing she ever prints about me."

"Look on the bright side. S Gossip girl does not report on college So this is your last day to be under her rule."

"Okay can you just take my mind off of me? - Talk about anything."

"Did he say it like.." Blair started.

"Anything but..." Serena said.

"I love her, I lo-ove her, I love he-er" Blair asked talking about Chuck. During there talk after Prom talk, Layla and Serena mentioned that Chuck actually loved her.

"- I totally set myself up for that one." Serena said.

"I don't know why you're acting like this is new information. You know how Chuck feels about you.." Layla said.

"The problem isn't his 's his inability to express them to the right person. Who cares who he tells if he doesn't tell me?"

"Does he even know that you and Nate broke up?" Serena asked.

"Have you not told him? Or you Lay?"

"It's not like we stay up at night braiding each other's hair and having heart-to-hearts."Serena said

"I haven't told him" Layla said.

"Then why are we still here? We've already paid the check." Blair said picking up her purse.

They walked out the door paparazzi trying to take pictures of Serena. Layla and Blair posed before hopping into the limo.

Layla stood outside the school in the courtyard in her green gown.

"Hello fellow graduate," Riley said.

"Hey Ry, can you believe were graduating" Layla said excited.

"Its so surreal"

"Your family here?"

"My brother is, my father was busy, you?"

"My grandfather is here. But the most important person in my family is graduating with me so that's all I need."

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