"Well you seem to care about her." The doctor smiles slightly. "Maybe if you keep caring she'll grow out of the hate. She needs someone to support her through this."

"She has someone." Domen frowns as he glances to the ground. "I have someone too."

"Hm." The doctor shrugs her shoulders as she watches Domen shove his hand into his pockets. "But you care more for her or is it just my wrong judgement?"

Domen glances at her and furrows his brows.

"Wrong judgement." Domen says as he turns to leave when the doctor says one more thing.

"If that's the case, tell that someone she has to get her her favorite snack and food. Should help ease her nerves a bit. And to also show her some affection and help her sleep. That should reduce the stress to some extent."  The doctor says deliberately when she can feel Domen isn't at all that innocent for what's happening to her patient.

After what Lavender had said, about things being complicated and how they barely talked to each other since they got here makes her believe he's involved one way or the other.

But to what extent?

Domen follows Lavender out of the building as they make their way towards his car.

She is still annoyed and it only grows more annoyed when she remembers she has to spend the ride back with a man she doesn't want to be with.

She paddles over to the passenger seat in the back and gets in, struggling a bit when the car is a bit too high.

Domen simply gets into the front when he knows she'll eventually get in.

"Are you hungry?" Domen asks as he glances up at the rearview mirror, noticing her putting on her seatbelt.

"No." She says in a near grunt and he turns the ignition on, driving out of the parking space.

"Okay then. I'll just grab myself an icecream on my way back." He says as they drive out of the hospital gates and into the busy road, driving towards a fast food restaurant. "A chocolate one."

Lavender furrows her brows and glances up at him as she knows too well he's trying to tempt her.

"Whatever." Lavender rolls her eyes as Domen spots a drive through restaurant not too far from where they are.

He drives his car into the the nearly empty drive through and sighs out as he waits in line for his turn.

"So...." Domen clears his throat as he glances up at the mirror. "The doctor says you should avoid overthinking."

Lavender doesn't answer, clenching her jaw as she finds it extremely annoying instead.

Why is everyone assuming I'm causing my own problems?

Well... Maybe I am but it's not on purpose.

"Would you like some music-."

"Just drive, Domen. Let's not pretend to talk to each other." Lavender sighs out as she crosses her arms on her chest, getting him to frown and glance back at the road.

Pregnancy really changes a woman.

Finally, his turn arrives and he leans out of his window, only slightly, as he gives in his order.

Not as she expected, he really only ordered one.

What a stingy bastard.

She clenches her jaw as she glares out of the window and folds her arms to her chest while Domen pulls up to the window, receiving his order once he's paid.

"Mh, wow, this is nice." Domen says as he takes a bite off the hard chocolate coating before glancing up at the mirror, noticing she's glaring at him. "The chocolate is more thicker today."

"Hm." Lavender rolls her eyes and looks away, getting Domen to furrow his brows and continue driving on, heading back to their office.

He takes another bite and digs his tongue into the cold rich vanilla  cream hiding within, getting his stomach to turn from the sweetness.

The coldness covers his entire mouth before sliding down his neck, getting him to shiver.

"How can you only buy for yourself?" Lavender hisses as she leans over the gap between the two chair and glares up at him. "That's selfish. Even if I didn't want to, you could have at least tried to persuade me."

Domen chuckles as he runs his thumb against his lower lip, rubbing off the icecream as they drive into the office gate, driving down to the underground floor.

"I don't force people." He continues to chuckle before glancing back to the road and parking at his usual spot. "If you wanted it you should have said so."

"Whatever." She hisses and grabs her door handle, only to have him lock the doors from the front.

"Just joking, this was yours." He says as he turns and hands it to her, getting her eyes to widen ad her stomach is filled with joy from the sight of it. "I was only making you jealous."

"... Thanks." She says in a mummer as she takes it from him and smiles once it's in her grasp.

She takes a bite of the icecream and winces when the ice hurts her teeth but can't help but feel the all comforting sweetness arouse her taste buds.

Domen can't resist a smile as he watches her eat her icecream, slightly bobbing her head as she always does.

Looks like Lavender is still Lavender.

A small frown forms on his lips as he watches her joyfully eat her icecream, remembering when they were in his kitchen, enjoy the tub of icecream she bought for him and Evette.

His grip on the steering wheel tightens as he leans back into his seat.

Does she really hate me?

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