Season 4 Episode 10

Start from the beginning

"The minute we sat down, Nate wore her out, we went to the parade this morning,"

"I'm going to go check on Blair"


A few minutes later she stood with Blair and Chuck when Dan ran up. Sophie sound asleep on Chuck's shoulder.

"Let me make a call, See if one of my doctors can get us some answers." Chuck said and walked away.

"Where is she? Is she all right? What happened?"Dan asked.

"She overdosed in some cheap motel in Queens, alone." Layla said.

"Why didn't she come to me? I mean, no matter how angry we were at each other, she knows. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to her." Blair said.

"What do the doctors say?" Dan asked.

"Rufus and Lily are waiting to talk to them."

"What? Drugs in a cheap motel- That does not sound like Serena to me."

"Dan" Layla said

"Sometimes I forget how much of a recent addition you are, Humphrey. You met her as a girl coming home, trying to start over. I wish it wasn't true, but sounds a lot like the Serena I used to know." Blair said and walked away.

"No, this just doesn't seem right"

"Look Dan, I completely agree that something is off but the more I think about it the more it makes sense. I'm just confused" she said as her phone rang. She looked down and noticed her brother's number. She walked over to a bench and sat down.


"Hey did you find Chuck?" he asked.

"Yeah, he told me everything would work out. How wrong is he?"

"Mom won't go with us and she even said we can't. We have to be at grandfather's at 6"

"But he was going to meet Soph."

"Maybe Soph there isn't a good idea."


"Just think about it Lay."

"Then I'm not going to Grandfather's I'll just have dinner with Chuck at Lily's"

"Okay, love you."

"You too."

Layla hung up the phone and spotted Chuck walking over to them Sophie wide awake holding his hand.

"There are news vans in the place is gonna be swarming with paparazzi in about five minutes."

"So we'll get her out of here, Take her home where she can rest." Dan said.

"No.I'm sure that they're pitching tents outside the apartment as we 's not what she needs needs safe."

Later on that day they sat outside the Ostroff Center. She spotted Nate and Dan sitting down. Sophie sitting in Dan's lap. She had clung on to him at the hospital and didn't want to leave him.

"I know, don't worry about it, man. So what happened?"

"She told the doctor she can't remember anything." Layla said sitting down.

"At the party, Serena said she didn't kiss either of us, That she had no idea what happened. And now this." Dan said

"Now what—?"Nate asked.

"What if something else is going on?"

"Or maybe you just wanna think that because it's easier than the truth." Nate said and his phone went off "Look, I gotta go. Lay you coming"
Layla took a deep breath and then picked Sophie off of Dan's lap

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