Good Boy Chapter 27

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*** Warning there is mature at the end if you don't like smut then i advise you to skip it. if it doesn't then enjoy ;) 

Chapter 27 ~ Jamie

I haven't talk to Luke for at least a week I have been avoiding him trying to move on it doesn't seem to be working even if I hang out with rider. Everyone says he's a dick but he has actually helped me through this rough time. He suggested I should go to his party and it would get my mind off of things so I agreed I come.

It's currently 8:00 on a Saturday and I'm going to a party. When I arrived there were teens everywhere some already drunk out of their minds. I saw rider coming towards me with two red cups.

"Hey I almost thought you weren't coming," he said handing me a cup. "I almost didn't but I think I need a drink or two," I said taking a sip while the beer left a burning sensation down my throat.

"Come one let's dance," he said as I finished the cup. It was a fast beat song and Rider came behind me and I started grinding my ass on to his crotch. After the song was over I was in the mood for another drink.

"Can I have some more beer," I asked.

"Sure whatever you want babe," after a minute he returned with another red cup and I drank the whole thing in a matter of seconds. "Let me show you around," he took my hand and started leading me up stairs. I nodded feeling slightly buzzed.

"What room is this," I asked when we walked into a bedroom that smelt like beer and cheap cologne. "This is my room you like." I nodded then sat on his bed I saw Rider staring at me.

"I wanted to do this since I saw you." He came closer few inches from my face before he kissed me. It felt nice i feel like i can forget about all the shit in my head right now.  He deepen the kiss but pulled away when he heard a crash in the hallway. "I will be right back stay here okay."

"Okay." He left me alone it had been awhile until my phone went off. I took out from my pocket and I notice it was from Luke.


Sophie's POV

Why am I doing this I just hope this works I thought as I reach Rider. "Hey are you the one who broke that," he asked pointing to the vase as he left the room.

"Yeah what you gonna do," I try to say seductively. God what is wrong with me this isn't going to lure him away from Jamie.

"How about I get you a drink," he asked.  Is this really working?

"That would be great," he started taking me a different way. "This isn't where the drinks are," it's a bedroom. I was about to leave but when I turned around I saw Rider leaving closing the door and locking it. I started to yell.

"I know that you are dating Luke's friend and this is a stupid attempt to get me away from Jamie," he said through the door  and I thought he was stupid.

"How did you know?"

"I have my resources," with that he left. This plan going to work he said I mocked Luke in my head. Luke and his stupid plan I just hope Jamie will be okay. I text Michael what happened and to tell Luke also get me out of this room.


Jamie's POV

Luke: Where r u?

Me: @ Rider's party u boob.   

I laugh at my response.

Luke: I know that I meant where r u in the house.

Me: I'm not telling u  

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