Good Boy Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 ~ Jamie


I went to turn on the shower and got in it felt good to let the water hit my back. The showers in the dorms are crap compared to this one. After thirty minutes I got out and I put my underwear and Luke shirt on which reach up to my mid-thigh. Wow this shirt was big on me but it smelled like Luke so it's alright.

When I got out Luke was sitting on the bed watching how I met your mother on the big ass flat screen TV. As I walked towards him he didn't say anything just stared.

"Hey you got the pizza?" I asked to stop the awkward silence. "Yes here's a slice" he seemed to be out of his weird trance. "By the way you look hot in my clothes."

"Is that why you couldn't say a word when I got out." I asked.

"Yeah I guess." He started to blush. "Aw Lukey your blushing," I pinched his cheek.

"You're not the only one who can pinch cheeks," he said but instead of pinching my face he pinched my bum.

"Luke," I gasped.

"What you asked for it looking extremely sexy in my t-shirt with no pants." I laughed.

"You think I am sexy," I smirked.

"Very sexy," he said getting closer to my face and closing his eyes.

"Let's see how sexy I am running away." I jumped off the bed and ran to the living room.

"Clever girl but you show know I will catch," I was running fast but with his long legs he still manage to catch me just with few steps. "Damn your freakishly long legs."

"Yeah well sorry you have short legs."

"It's not my fault I am 5'4 and you're like almost ten inches taller than me," I pouted.

"Don't worry babe I love your short legs," he kissed my forehead as he put me back on the bed. "Well did I at least look sexy running from you," I laughed.

"Very sexy, but don't ever run from me again," He said against my neck. My breaths started to quicken and my heart felt like it was popping out of my chest. He kissed my neck and went down to my collarbone and sucked. I let out a moan.

He went back to my lips and hovered on top of me. I reached the back of his t-shirt and I pulled it off him and threw to the floor. I started to reach for his belt but he stopped me.

"Are sure you are ready for this baby?" Am I ready for this I want to but I don't think I can.

"I don't know," I say honestly.

"Well I don't want to take something like this from you until you are sure.

"I'm sorry I totally ruined the moment." I put my face in between my hands. "Baby you didn't and don't beat yourself up for this I will wait for however long it takes until you're ready." He grabbed my face and kissed me on my forehead. "Now gets some sleep."

I laid down and Luke put his arms around me I fell to deep sleep.


"Wakey, wakey beautiful," I woke up to Luke looking at me. "Luke what are you doing" I say wiping my eyes.

"Well get up and come with me."

"Where are you taking me?"

"Here we are," we stopped at the kitchen table with pancakes, bacon, eggs, orange juice, and a flower in a vase in the center. "You made all this" I said shocked I didn't know he could cook.

"You sound surprised." He asked as I eat the pancakes and wow they were fantastic.

"I am how did you learned to cook like this." I am in love with this food.

"Slow down I don't want you to get a stomach ache and to answer your question I learned from my mom because she said that if we make breakfast in bed for her then she wanted a decent one." I laughed.

"Mama Liz is amazing," I said.

"Since when do you call her 'Mama Liz'" he asked. "Well remember you wouldn't tell me your middle name," He nodded "I called your mom and asked her and she said 'since you and Luke are together call me Mama Liz' so now we are even Robert," I say as I take a bite of my bacon.

"I guess she likes you because my other girlfriends I had she didn't let them call her that." I smiled that means Liz didn't like Victoria but who can blame her Victoria is a bitch.

"Well now I feel special," I said. Luke grabbed my hand and kissed it. "You are because you mean everything to me." My heart started to race.

"You sound like you're going to purpose to me," I joked.

"Maybe one day." I looked in his beautiful blue eyes and gave him a quick kiss.

"Okay enough sappy stuff you what do you want to do?" He asked.

"I don't know," I start to think what we can do when his phone started ringing.

"Hey Calum what do you want." He seemed annoyed probably because it was our weekend getaway. "I can't do band practice today I hanging out with Jamie all weekend." Band practice can wait a day boys. "What we got the gig no way how about we meet tomorrow okay see you guys"

"What was that about?" I asked when he hung up.

"We got a gig at this club which isn't that much of a big deal but they're going to be music producers there so we need to be perfect by next Friday."

"That's amazing," I hugged him. "And I know what we can do today." I realized what we have to do.


"We go to that band practice together."

"I thought you wanted to relax together this weekend."

"That can wait I want you to be successful first because I love you and I think you guys amazingly talented. Let's show those producers how you guys rock." He gave me a kiss.

"I love you Jamie."

"I love you Luke."


"Okay guys let's get started," Luke said.

"Wait before you guys play when's the last time you guys made a cover or posted a video on You Tube?" I asked.

"3 months ago why?" Ashton said.

"Well I am looking at your page and you guys are getting quite popular I think you should post a video." I suggested.

"Yeah we should but what should we post?" Michael asked.

"Heartbreak girl they will love it." Calum suggested.

"But I think we shouldn't just do a live video I think we should go around town while I film you guys." They nodded.

"That's a great idea. Guys I think we are filming a music video today," Luke said.

~ surprise update!!!

How would you feel if you got to be the one to direct the heartbreak girl video because I would explode directing any video with them. Anyways vote comment whatever you want I will post a surprise Luke chapter next. (Well not really a surprise).

Love you- Joy

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