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Becky had a match against Trish tonight which I was meant to interrupt and ambush becky.

Harleah sat in the dressing room with colby while I waited under the ring, watching the monitor to see my que.

When I see Trish push becky into the turnbuckles I grab the long chain and wrap it around my knuckles and slide out from the ring.

Once getting into the public eye the crowd started to go crazy, yelling and chanting.

I jump up onto the steel stairs and snarl, catching the eyes of becky who squinted, that was her telling me to do it.

I laughed manically and unwrapped the chain from my fist, and slinging it around Becky's neck.

Trish slapped my shoulders laughing.

Becky's hands grasped the chain and she pretended to the choke as I pulled.

Soon the officials came running out and ripped me from the match.

The judgement day cane running out with the officials and they were prying their hands off of me.

"Stop. We've got her" damian raised his voice.

I slipped out of Finns grasped and jumped back into the ring post, but rhea followed and pulled me down. Dragged me up the ramp while I was kicking and screaming.

When we got into the gorilla, we collapsed and started laughing.

"I swear, you could be an actor baby" demi patted my back as I rolled off her. I giggled and rolled up into my knees.

"There's my sweet girl" I clapped my hands as harleah crawled my way, stopping to balance herself on her legs and ran the rest of the way.

"Track star" Luis jogged over, now out of his ring jackets
Demi and I got off the floor, demi grabbed Leah and I grabbed my title and we started making our way back to the lockeroom, seeing as there was some promos we needed to shoot.

I sat with harleah on my lap, my legs over rheas lap and the boys sat on the couches surrounding us.

The film crew started shooting.

"Hey guys" Adam walked into view, his hands tucked around a clipboard.

"Hey a.p" finn grunted, Adam smiled before turning to us.

"Harley, what you did today was not right " he coughed before continuing. I soothed harleahs hair as she napped with her face covered with a smirk.

"Yes, you are medically cleared but that does not mean you can run a muck" I rolled my eyes, before passing harls over to rhea and standing.

"Adam, as much as I respect you, that does not mean I will obey you" I shook my head before inching closer to him "you heard what becky had been saying about that match, how I was 'cheating'. I will not anybody discard my wins. I won that match fair and square, the boys only jumped in when Seth did. If you had been doing your job correctly then I wouldn't have been injured. Now I suggest you get out of our lockeroom before I start getting aggressive. And trust me, you do not want to piss me off right now" I reach behind me and slip out the bass knuckles from the waist band of my pants and sliding them on my hand.

"Right" Adam stuttered before scattering out of frame.

The cameras cut and I sat back down "that was great" Adam gave us a thumbs up before rushing off to do something else, followed by the crew.

"Not gonna lie. That was pretty hot" rhea whispered in my ear, I giggled and pecked her cheek.

"Hey uncle fergie You wanna babysit tonight?" Rhea asked pulling away, finn nodded and stuck his tongue out to dom. finn and his partner have been thinking about kids but they've been a bit nervous on how good of parents they would be so, demi and I have been planning to dump harleah on them randomly to see how they'd be under pressure.

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