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Getting to the centre was a bit of a challenge, harleah exploded in the car and demi was feeling a bit sick.

"Morning" I say pushing the pram down the entrance and to the ring.

Oscar and Jorge were talking while sitting on the ring apron.

They waved to us. Luis and the rest of the group were sitting on the ropes.

But dom flew to my side just to get harleah.

I looked back to demi who was looking a bit sick, her face was paler than usual.

"Alright can we get this thing done quickly, I need to lay down" she ushered us along.

I looked back to dom who gave me a smile. I left her with him while I jumped up onto the ring and started to explain my idea.

"Okay, so you know how you do you're 619" Oscar nodded, I explained the rest of the move. But failed terribly.

"Okay so just do your move" I instructed him, I slide The mats along the floor. I paid attention to his hands as he grabs the ropes and propels himself out and then in.

Oscar and Jorge watched my fave as I marked the move.

"Do what you need to do. I trust you" I shone a appreciate smile.

"Okay, can you do it again" Oscar stands. While he was gaining the momentum he needed, demi came to my side and took my lead. Just before Oscar grabbed the ropes, demi and I pulled the second rope down so it was out of his reach. Oscar went flying out of the ring and smack down into the mats.

"Holy shit"

There was a chorus of gasps.

I ran over to Oscar who was stunned on the floor.

"Are you okay" I crouched to his side.

"That was awesome" he let out a breathy gasp. I smiled and helped him up.

"Can we do that again?" I asked, sweeping my hair that had escaped my hairtye behind my ears.

"Yeah, just without the mat this time. I need to take the bump" oscar kicked it away. I nodded and got back into position.

This time he flew a bit more gracefully, twisting his body so he landed on his back instead of his side and tucking his head forward.

I clapped and jumped up and down.

Glad that this was playing out well.

After another hour of taking the trick and fixing it so it didn't look to rehearsed, Oscar and Jorge left.

"Baby, you can go. If you don't feel well" I brush her hair out of her eyes, setting my knees down to balance.

She shook her head "nah I'm good, I can power through it" she stands.

"Baby, I'm planning on being here for another couple of hours, go home" I argue, pulling her back to me by her arm.

She was protesting but when bile rose in her throat she finally gave in.

"Look, you take the car, I'll go home with dom" I hand her the keys, she smiles and lisses my cheek.

"Okay boys, you are needed now" I say to a bored looking fergal and Luis.

I glance over to dom who was playing with harls at the tables.

"Whatchu need boss" Luis jigged over to me, and fergal at his side leaning over me, I crawled up to the ropes.

"Don't know yet" I shrugged, ducking under and slipping through the two.

"I'm trying to make a new finisher. Got a bit of an idea but" I trailed off.

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