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"You wanna wear these?" Dom held up my top. I hummed and looked over my shoulder, but turning back when I felt harleah kick my hands. I finished changing her and then putting her in her big girl cot with her toys.

"Yeah, they're pretty" I snatch the stocking from his hands, while rhea got sent home last week because she had a stomach bug, she did a little online shopping. And had brought me stocking with skull patterning.

"Okay boss" dom smirked. Demi came out of the shower in her towel, not expecting Dom to be in here, seeing as he was supposed to be here an hour later.

Demi walked past him, Dom's, face flushed and he looked to the ground "out, dickhead" I pushed him to the door. He stuttered a sorry but I just laughed.

"Little virgin" demi laughed, grabbing her track suit pants and a jumper.

"No bra? Fine by me. Easy access for celebration later hmm" I grab her hips and kiss up her neck. "Our daughter is in the room right now. Calm down you horny bastard" demi rubbed my cheek before pushing me away.

I snorted before leaving the room.

"Sorry" dom said right as I shut the door. I stumbled back, getting a shock at his sudden appearance before keeling over in laughter "oh, we don't mind. Actually" silly idea? Maybe. "We've been looking for someone to, spice up our sex life. You know" I back him up against the wall before putting my hand on his chest and the other on his thigh, slowly moving it up.

"Brina. Leave the poor guy alone" demi snorted when she opened the door, I groaned and shook my head before stepping away from him.

"Uh" dom moved his hands and cleared his throat.

"I was kidding dom dom" I laughed, going back into the room, quickly changing and packing harls bag.

When I walked out I see demi and dom standing in the same positions "you wanna go, deal with that before we leave?" Demi gestures down to Dom's lower region. Dom's face flamed and I couldn't hold my poker face.

Dom muttered curses in Spanish, some of what I could understand, as he walked over to the guest bathroom and closing the door.

"We're you being serious. About spicing up our sex life?" Demi caught my waist and pulled me to her. My hands sling around her neck and she bent down "oh please. Like you would share" I laughed, pecking her lips before going back into the room to grab harleah.

5 minutes later harleah was strapped into her car seat, I was in the passenger seat doing my eyebrows and dom sat silently in the back next to harleah.

"Sorry bout earlier. It was just too funny not to" I say looking into my mirror and back to dom.

"See. This is why, I don't get you food anymore" dom sneers, and i grumble a complaint.

Demi hops into the car and starts her up.

When we got to the centre we went straight to the bloodline lockeroom.

"Hey sis" John opened the door rubbing his beard. We walked in, parking leahs pram in the corner.

"Hey yall" I waved, seeing leati sitting on the couch on his phone.

His kids weren't here and neither were the twins kids.

"You ready for tonight" Josh threw his arm over my shoulder, bumping his hip into mine. Though his hip reached higher than mine.

"You still owe me man" I pushed him away before setting down my daughters nappy bag.

"Okay, well start getting ready because we're on in what. Like 30 minutes" roman grumbled, uh oh, he's a bit grumpy, maybe he's in the dog house.

I looked over my shoulder and shot demi a look "told you we were late" she rolled her eyes before handing me my bag and pushing me towards the bathroom.

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