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Tonight was a busy night. First, the boys had their match against the lwo and then rhea had her match against nikki cross, the crazy bitch. and then I had my main event match against becky.

So shit was hectic.

"And thank you against for coming so last minute" I handed the money to marina, a babysitter we've hired for the night.

Do I feel guilty as hell for leaving my baby, yes. I feel horrible but, since all off us are having a match, I don't think we will have enough energy to care for her.

"No problem. Good luck tonight, we'll be watching" marina bounces harls on her hip. Demi smiled and kissed harleahs head before grabbing the bags off the floor and starting to load them into the car.

"Amazing. So everything you'll need is in demis and Is room under her cot. Uh if you fall asleep before we get back there's a guest room next to our room. Your welcome to take anything from the fridge. Uh thanks, but I've really gotta go" I rub her arm before kissing Leah and waving goodbye.

"Don't hesitate to call" I call out before closing the door behind me.

"Shell be okay" demi held my hand once we were in the car. I sighed and shook my head.

When we arrived we were met with fans screaming at us at the gate.

"Hi guys" I waved, blowing a kiss before grabbing my bag from the back of the car and slinging it over my shoulder. Demi collected her things and interlaced our hands.

We got inside, went to our dressing room and sat around for a couple of hours.

We ordered some food and took a moment to just be ourselves before we had to paint ourselves up and be somebody else.

"Have you come up with a name for your new finisher" my fiance said after popping a maccas fry into her mouth. I groaned "no, I can't think of anything" I slumped down in my chair.

"Really? Because I've got one for you" she laughs at my dramatics.

"Please explain" I mumbled, grabbing my nuggest and chomping down on the tip.

"Well, going on that whole religion thing. You're the manic messiah. We're the judgement day, what about your finisher be called the crucifixion?" Demi explained her thought process. I sat forward, letting it process in my head before a smile broke out on my face.

"And THAT is why I'm marrying you" I giggled, demi gasped and put her hand on her heart "I thought it was because of my good looks and amazing body" she fell back against the couch, moving her hand from her head to fan her face.

"That too" I say shifting to my knees and moving to straddle her hips.

"Well hello soon-to-be Mrs Bennet" demi planted her hands on my hips as I brought my hands around her neck, slightly tugging at the hairs.

"Hi, soon-to-be Mrs daddio" I ghosted my lips across her cheeks.

"Hmm" she hummed as her hands slipped past my hips and down to my ass.

"Have I told you today?" I muttered, pulling back from her neck to look in her eyes. She furrowed her brows "how much I love you" her body went limp and her eyes softened.

I cuddled into her body, her rubbed my back and pressed her lips against my cheek.

after a while we got ushered to the gorilla with the boys.

i strapped my heels while we waited for our cue because we lost track of time in our rooms and i hadnt finished getting into my outfit yet.

"those are cute" finn pointed down to my shoes, i smiled and lifted a leg up, careful not to flash. i ran my acrylic nails alone the gems on the strap. On other days, i wouldnt wear this dressy outfit, but i wasnt scheduled for anything to physical today until later, so why not give the crowd what they want. "thank you finny. at least someone appreciates my style" i stuck my tongue out to damian because earlier he said that i looked like i was wearing stilts, my comment was met with laughter from damian who raised his hands in surrender.

i picked up my title and put it on my shoulder, grabbing rheas hand and emerging out of the gorilla, the fog clouding around our feet and the purple wings displayed on the big screen behind us.

we walked down the ramp and the boys helped me up onto the ring, i sat on the ropes as rhea flew up onto the apron, slide her arm under my thigh and wrapped it around, then put her other arm over doms shoulder as he stood between us.

the boys stood behind us with their arms raised.

we dispersed from the ropes when the l.w.o's music started and huddled up in the corner.

"remember, during the 619. you duck and we pull" i pat damians chest, he nodded and took off his ring jacket, handing it to me.

i hoped off the apron and stood near the turnbuckles, after putting my title and the boys sheded clothes near the announce table.

the match began, i watched intently. after a while, rey was gearing up to complete the 619, he had just stunted damo and dragged him the the ropes.

rhea and i walked around to where damian laid, his eyes reaching mine with a wink. i hid my smile as rhea and i approached the ropes, resting our hands on them, waiting for the perfect time.

rheas smirk fell onto her lips and she nodded to me, i pulled down the ropes at the same time as her. reys hands flew past me, and then his body followed.

he landed with a loud bang in front of the crowd near the ramp. the crowd screeched with anger, but i couldnt stop laughing, i look back to see finn get tagged in, he came skidding past us and grabbed the older mysterio by the mask, dragging him into the ring and kicked him in the ribs before ascending the ropes, Santos started to walk our way but rhea stood in front of him.

i looked up to see finn performing a DDT. rey was positively gone, the match was over, all finn had to do was pin him.

i glanced back to see if rhea was handling business and she was so i focused back on finn.


his pin was disrupted by a furious zelina, i growled and shook my head, climbing up onto the apron.

"ive been looking forward to this" zelina said, grabbing the chancla from her waist band and held it high.

i laughed and snatched it from her hands.

"fetch bitch" i said throwing it into the crowd, im probably gonna get an ear full for that but oh well.

i jumped off the apron and waited for zelina to also join me on the floor.

she stalked towards me, and then broke into a sprint. i held my arm out and caught her by the throat, her hands gripped my wrist. she tapped my fingers that were hidden in her red, white and blue hair. she bounced and i lifted her up, holding her in the air for as long as i could before slamming her down on the floor. keeping my hand there until i heard the boos, signalling either finn or Damian had successfully pinned the opponent. i skipped over to dom who had grabbed my title and the boys jackets and linked arms with him.

we rested our heads together as we watched the boys celebrate in the ring. rhea was clapping as she joined doms side.

the boys jumped out of the ring and walked behinds us, taunting the crowd as we ascended up the ramp and back into the gorilla.

"1 match down, 2 to go" i laughed sitting down on the cool floor.

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