Chapter 295: Stupid

Start from the beginning

"It was due to some difference in our opinions," Xu Le answered.

"What kind of difference in opinions? Be specific, recount every single detail of what happened in the office earlier—clearly and completely!" Shen Qingyan ordered.

Shen Qingyan had climbed to the position of president Huayao Corporation through sheer tenacity and her very own unique capabilities. So, when she took on a serious demeanor, she would exude an overpowering dominance over others. Xu Le shivered where he stood and felt that his career was at stake.

"Your turn!"

Shen Qingyan looked over to Xu Le's best friend.

That man may have been close to Xu Le, but he did not side with Shen Xingqing, so he was relatively neutral. He did not dare to lie in front of Huayao Corporation's president, so he recounted every single detail of the incident in the office.

After listening to him, Shen Qingyan smiled wryly and glared at Xu Le. "That was not a case of difference in opinion, but rather, you purposely taunted him. You insulted him first, and he reacted aggressively, so what's your problem?" she asked.


Xu Le was stunned, and he could not understand how this had all suddenly turned against him.

"You are also a group leader yourself, but instead of working with your colleagues, you went around insulting and mocking them on purpose. Do you have so much free time on your hands, Mr. Xu? Did the company not assign you any task at all?" Shen Qingyan chastised Xu Le, and every point she made hit home.

Xu Le broke into a cold swear and turned to Shen Xingqing and Mao Jianyi for help.

"Cough... Niece, your words are too strong. Mr. Xu has been a diligent employee of the company and worked tirelessly for a long time. He once was even hospitalized due to alcohol poisoning from drinking with a potential customer to secure a business deal. Mr. Mao was the witness, right?" Shen Xingqing said.


Mao Jianyi answered in a somewhat unnatural tone as even though he was on Shen Xingqing's side, he was also very fearful of Shen Qingyan. It did not feel comfortable sitting on the fence and get pulled apart by two forces.

"Mr. Xu is an exemplary employee of our company and the one that others should emulate for his spirit of service. Also, the company ought to hire more talents like Mr. Xu, as this would allow him to take a break from time to time, am I right?" Shen Xingqing spoke very highly of Xu Le, and he had almost described Xu Le as the perfect employee.

Xu Le felt a little insecure about the appraisal and wondered if he was really that good.


Xiao Luo could not help but burst out in laughter, and when he realized everyone was looking over, he tried to contain himself and waved his hand in apology. "I'm sorry, so sorry... this is just hilarious. Usually, I would not laugh inappropriately, but this is too much. I really can't control myself," he said.

Xu Le's face blushed a livid red as he stared at Xiao Luo with his jaw clenched. The more perfect Shen Xingqing had described him, the more embarrassed he felt when Xiao Luo laughed. Xiao Luo had practically dragged him down from heaven to hell in a matter of seconds.

Shen Xingqing was infuriated and yelled, "You little jerk, you're too much! Get him to the police station now!"

"Vice-president Shen, aren't you afraid of being asked to step down?" Xiao Luo sneered.

Shen Xingqing was caught off guard as Xiao Luo sounded very confident, so he immediately stopped his security guards from apprehending Xiao Luo. He walked up and questioned Xiao Luo, "What do you mean by that?"

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