Healer Morgenstern adjusted her glasses thoughtfully before responding, her tone filled with empathy. "Based on the progress she has shown thus far, I estimate that Amelia will need approximately two more weeks in the Somnusinertis. It's crucial for her body to fully recover from the trauma she endured."

Dumbledore nodded, his mind absorbing the information. "So, her mind is already mended?"

Healer Morgenstern smiled gently. "Yes, Mr Dumbledore. Fortunately, her mind has shown remarkable resilience. The extensive healing and restorative spells performed on her have repaired the damage to her psyche. It is her physical body that requires more time to recover."

A mixture of relief and concern flickered across Dumbledore's face. "I am grateful for the progress she has made."

His mind raced, contemplating the implications of this revelation. Amelia's recovery was a positive development, but Dumbledore knew that the challenges they faced were far from over.

The memories and state of mind of Amelia were of utmost importance to him, for they held the key to many secrets he sought. He was a master manipulator, and he knew that understanding her psyche would provide him with the leverage he needed to achieve his goals. The physical recovery of her body was important, but it paled in comparison to the power that her memories and thoughts held. He would stop at nothing to unravel the mysteries she held within her mind.

Mysteries such as the memory she retrieved from Professor Slughorn.

Dumbledore knew she had succeeded, but Amelia had outsmarted him, and that was why he didn't fully trust her.

She didn't carry the flask containing the memory on her when she went to his office but gave it to Luna—a person Dumbledore would least expect.

Nor did she give the memory to Harry, her own twin.

That time, when she asked him how to brew those Memory Potions, Dumbledore had mistaken her intentions. He thought her interest in Potions conjured that question, but it was then when she already knew she was never going to Dumbledore with the memory once she retrieved it.

Amelia relied on her intelligence for most things as she was inept in matters of the heart, except when it came to Draco.

As Dumbledore and Healer Morgenstern approached the room where Amelia lay in her somnusinertis, a heavy sense of anticipation filled the air.

He could feel the weight of the protective spell hanging around him, a tangible barrier meant to shield Amelia from any potential harm.

Pushing open the door with a gentle creak, they entered the dimly lit chamber. Dumbledore's eyes immediately fell upon Amelia, her frail form lying motionless on the bed.

The sight was jarring, for she appeared even skinnier than the last time he had seen her, her once-vibrant complexion now replaced with a pallid, greyish tone.

Dumbledore approached the bed, his gaze filled with a mixture of concern and determination. Healer Morgenstern followed closely behind, her presence lending a sense of reassurance to the room.

The old man paused for a moment, his eyes lingering on Amelia's motionless figure. He knew he had to maintain his facade of concern, but deep down, his mind raced with the anticipation of the secrets he hoped to uncover.

Healer Morgenstern, sensing the weight of Dumbledore's thoughts, gently asked. "Mr. Dumbledore, would you like a moment alone with Miss Potter?"

He met her gaze, grateful for her understanding. "Yes, Healer Morgenstern. Thank you." He spoke softly, his voice betraying the intensity of his emotions.

With a nod of acknowledgement, Healer Morgenstern quietly exited the room, leaving Dumbledore alone with Amelia.

As the door closed, a hush fell upon the chamber, and Dumbledore took a deep breath, summoning his composure.

He approached the bedside, his steps careful and deliberate.

Reaching out, Dumbledore gently took Amelia's hand in his own. He could feel the faint pulse of life coursing through her veins, a fragile connection to the world outside.

Dumbledore released his grasp on Amelia's hand and took a step back, his mind resolute on the path that lay ahead.

A deep sense of purpose coursed through his veins as he withdrew the Elder Wand from his robes. Its ancient power emanated, ready to aid him in his next endeavour.

With measured determination, Dumbledore initiated the delicate art of legilimency, delving into the recesses of Amelia's memories.

Flashes of her tormented nightmares featuring young Tom Riddle flickered before his penetrating gaze, but he resolutely pushed past them, his focus unyielding.

His quest was clear; he sought a specific memory that Amelia had retrieved from Slughorn, one that held vital information about the Horcruxes.

He probed deeper, navigating the intricate labyrinth of Amelia's consciousness. The stakes were high, and Dumbledore was acutely aware of the risks involved.

Yet, driven by his unwavering resolve, he persisted, navigating through the ethereal landscapes of her mind.

Finally, amidst the swirling mists of recollection, he discovered the elusive memory he sought. It shimmered before him, tantalising and laden with the answers he desperately needed.

Holding it firmly within his mind, Dumbledore withdrew his wand and placed it with utmost care against Amelia's temple, his heart quickening with trepidation.

Aware of the perilous nature of his actions, Dumbledore prepared himself for what lay ahead. With a deft flick of his wand, he skilfully extracted the sought-after memory from Amelia's consciousness.

As the memory separated from its rightful owner, a surge of power coursed through Dumbledore's being, a poignant reminder of the weight of his actions.

Now possessing the memory, Dumbledore recognised the magnitude of his choice. He had crossed a line, stepping beyond the boundaries of ethical conduct.

Driven by his unwavering determination and the conviction that this knowledge could pave the way to victory, he had taken what he wanted, heedless of the potential consequences for others.

The weight of his decision settled upon him, mingling with a sense of guilt. Dumbledore understood that his actions had consequences, both for Amelia and for himself.

But in his pursuit of defeating the Dark Lord, he believed that the ends justified the means. The memory he held in his grasp was a piece of the puzzle, a crucial piece that could tip the scales in their favour.

As he pocketed the memory, Dumbledore turned his attention back to Amelia, her still form a stark reminder of the vulnerability of those caught in the midst of this war.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for her well-being, even as he sought to manipulate her memories for his own gain.

Dumbledore knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and sacrifices. He would have to tread carefully, ensuring that his actions served the greater good without causing irreparable harm.

The weight of his role as a leader and strategist settled heavily upon him, but he remained resolute in his mission.

Leaving Amelia's side, Dumbledore made his way back through the corridors of St. Mungo's Hospital, his mind abuzz with plans and strategies.

He knew that time was of the essence, and every decision he made carried significant weight.

The path to victory against the Dark Lord was treacherous, but Dumbledore was prepared to navigate it, even if it meant crossing boundaries and sacrificing his own morality along the way.

As he stepped back into the fireplace, preparing to return to his office at Hogwarts, Dumbledore couldn't help but wonder about the true cost of his actions.

Death loomed over him but would the secrets he uncovered be worth the price he paid?

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