15: The tension in an elevator. *

Start from the beginning

She glances to the ground as her cheeks begin to boil from the uncomfortable feeling crawling into her stomach. Walter simply stares down at her, hardly saying a thing as he clenched his jaw and glances down to the monitor.

"Are you jealous because you wanted to replace me in that moment?" Lavender chuckles out as she draws Walter's eyes back to her. "You did like him the first time you saw him."

"Hm... Sure." He sighs out as he stands from his seat and walks towards the window as she lowers her brows slightly in confusion. "Anyway, you owe me a date."

"Of course Mr. grumpy pants." She chuckles as she throws a leg over the other and turns her seat to face him. "I wanted to spoil you personally. I would have had a date with both of us and Evette as well but Domen invited her so... I couldn't tell him no."

"Great, so since you were about to kiss him, you owe me lunch, the dinner is just the default." He smiles as he turns to face her while leaning against the door. "I want to have lunch outside though, your treat."

"Psh, what a demanding man." Lavender rolls her eyes with a small smile as he smiles back. "Fine, it's almost lunch so we can head out together."

She gets up from her seat as Walter pushes himself from the window and leads the way out of the door while Lavender grabs her purse.

She steps out as well and into the bright white tiled corridor before turning back and locking her office as Walter walks towards the elevator, marveling the odd looking sculptures and green plants.

Once they stop in front of the elevator, Walter reaches for the button to call it as a door from within the corridor also clicks open, getting Lavender to glance over her shoulder just to check who it is.

Since she walked in, the corridor had been silent but she can hear the people within their office working and walking around. She wanted to greet them, but could tell no one wanted any distraction.

It's a busy office floor and so silent unlike her old one that was always buzzing with phone calls and yelling.

Her eyes widen the minute she notices who is stepping out.

Domen has an office here?

She freezes on spot as she watches him lock his office with his eyes glued down to his phone before turning and heading to the elevator, still with his eyes on his phone.

"Finally." Walter hisses under his breath as the elevator doors open. "Come hope in, L." He says as he steps into the elevator and turns to lean against its walls. His eyes drop on Lavender who almost seems to not have heard him. He opens his mouth to call her out when he notices the familiar frame of a man walking towards them.

Walter reaches out to grab her shoulder and pulls her into the elevator as he reaches down for the button to the first floor.

"Wait, what are you doing, Domen's right there and he might want to get down." Lavender says as she reaches her hand out and stops the doors from closing, finally drawing Domen's attention when he hears her.

Walter sighs out slightly as he watches Domen straightens his back and shoves his phone into his pocket as he steps into the elevator and stands on Lavender's other side.

His eyes shift from Lavender and up to Walter where their gazes meet as Lavender reaches for the first floor button.

Domen raises his brows at Walter who almost stares blankly at him. He can tell he isn't mesmerized by his presence since his gaze almost looks so empty it creeps him out a little.

"I didn't know you had an office. I thought you were a peep and go kind of shareholder." Lavender chuckles out just to ease up the silence, getting Domen to drop his eyes down to meet hers.

"I didn't have one at first. But I wanted to see what you could do so I had them make room." He says as he turns to face the doors now. "Besides, I'm practically the owner now so I need to be around a few times."

"Ah, okay." Lavender nods her head and presses her lips together before glancing up to notice Walter still staring at Domen. "Oh, right. This is Walter, he's a really close friend of mine. Like a best friend. He's an heir to a multimillionaire company, it's mostly about out of this world gaming and they also do intense graph designing for movies and such."

Domen slowly raises his eyes from Lavender and up to meet Walter's unfazed eyes.

"Impressive. So why are you here anyway?" He shrugs his shoulders as he asks Walter who slowly smirks out before turning away from him for the first time. "You have daddy's company, why didn't you just go run it?"

"I like to work for my own money." Walter shrugs his shoulders as he crosses his arms over his chest. "Besides, it's fun working around Lavender. Keeps me sane."

"Ah, so it's because of this woman." Domen says as he reaches his hand up to Lavender's head and places his hand on the top of her head, getting Walter to glance down at his arm and back to him. Domen smirks. "You like her?"

"Walter doesn't." Lavender chuckles as she gently brushes his arm off of her head when her cheeks begin to boil. "He likes someone else... we're just so close that we like spending time together, something like siblings."

"Is that so..." Domen raises his eyes back up to Walter who slightly narrows his eyes at him. "Anyway, I don't really care. I have some things to talk with you, I have a busy schedule so let's talk about it over lunch."

Lavender presses her lips as she glances up to Walter who lowers his eyes down to her with disappointment in his eyes. Trying to tell her through his eyes not to cancel out on him.

"Can Walter join? I promised him lunch so..." She chuckles uncomfortably but when Domen gives her an unsatisfied gaze she nods her head and turns back to Walter. "We'll have lunch tomorrow. It's work so... We'll meet up later..."

"Sure." Walter shrugs his shoulders and reaches out to press his floor's button just as the elevator is just about to pass by. The doors open and he steps out in an instant before turning to face Lavender. "Make up for it at dinner tonight, I deserve the attention. Just us, fancy resturant and wear your best outfit."

He smiles and winks at her before turning to leave just as the doors close shut. Domen slightly frowns as Lavender chuckles out at Walter's request, knowing it won't hurt her to spend so much money because she has a lot of money now.

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