「60」- Tedious

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The tension was heavy inside a room of a young teenage girl

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

The tension was heavy inside a room of a young teenage girl. She felt shame and anger bubbling inside her, but most of it all, she felt pathetic as she sat on the floor with her head low.

It's hard to breathe.

"I give you everything you ask for and what do you do for me in return as payback?" A deep and harsh voice asked to which made her body flinch. She knows that he has a deep scowl on his face even without raising her head. She knows him too well.

"Disappointment! You keep disappointing me! This family!" Her father shouted as the sight of papers slowly falling on the ground caught her eyes. Her father threw them at her.

The papers, specifically the low numbers written on all right corners of it, are the reason and cause of her father's anger and expectations that lowered even more, and what led her to this situation.

The girl's lips trembled slightly. She felt the tears building up in her eyes but she fought to not let them fall whilst she felt this heavy feeling inside her chest. It's suffocating.

"If this continues, you might influence your brothers! You're the eldest so you should set a great example to them!!" The man seethed, a clear digust shown on his face. "Hatsumi!"

The brunette flinched upon the harsh and loud call of her name. She bit her lip. 'But I'm trying. I really am!' Was something she wanted to tell the man, but is afraid that it'll only anger him even more.

'It's just that no matter how hard I try or no matter how good the results I show to you, it's still not good enough for you!' She shut her eyes tight as she felt the sweat form on her face and body. Even though she felt cold under her father's gaze, they were still forming. This conversation's making her stomach churn. It's nauseating.

'Why are you and mother so strict and so harsh on me? Even if I'm the eldest, so what? I'm still human! I can't be perfect everytime you expect me to!' She sucked in a sharp and shaky breath while recalling the night and days she forced herself to stay awake just to study, even if it meant making her nose to bleed, starving herself, or feel dizzy due to the lack of sleep; overall, ruining her health and body completely just to pleasure and earn her parents praises.

That is how every child are, right?

They do whatever to have their parents attention, love, and praises. It is the most wonderful feeling after all, but sadly, not every parent or family is the same.

'Is reputation, honor, and achievements more important to you than me? Your daughter's wellbeing?' She slightly raised her head to get a small glimpse of the look on her father. As expected, his gaze was icy cold, sharp and held many feelings that are all visibly nothing good. It made her shiver.

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