「45」- Finally over

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Mikey whispered the girl's name with empathy evident in his eyes. He knows clear well how she feels since Kazutora's still a friend of his despite the history.

Kakucho gets ready to dash towards the said girl's direction to stop her but Izana stretched his hand in front of stomach before he could even move a foot.

"Izana! We can't let her kill him!" He vociferates while the person who's name he shouted opened his mouth to speak without looking away from the [h/c] teen's form.

"This is what [Y/n] chooses to do." Was the only thing Izana said in a firm voice which made for his friend to grit his teeth after he took a glance at the girl.

"[Y/n]'s clearly not in the right mind right now!" He remarked. "She's obviously clouded with rage and once she snaps back, she'll be in despair when she realizes what she's done!"

Beads of sweat trailed down on a lot of people's faces. They watched with suspense and anticipation as the [h/c] teen's hair swayed softly along with the wind that blew weakly.

Her friends noticed that she didn't had any emotion on her face. It was unsettling to see because they've mostly witness a warm and full of affection on her face even if there are times where she doesn't have a smile on her face since they could simply see the adoration her eyes while looking at them.

They've always known how much she cares for each and one of them that it left them questioning their own selves sometimes of how they managed to become friends with such an amazing person, and how they would give everything they have just to please her, earn her attention, see her lovely and heartwarming smile.

And how they're reminded of how they fell so badly to her.

But now, currently...they watch with wide eyes as they watch the very same girl not falter or show any signs of putting her weapon away.

They're reminded again of what [Y/n]'s capable of – what she'd do for a friend...

What didn't crossed their minds was that she'd kill for them.

Sure, she may have harmed several dudes – delinquents with or without their helps while still thinking even 'til this day those said dudes absolutely deserve it, because they've disrespected her and her little brother; but it never did occur to them she'd kill a person.

Not to mention the fact that she purposely entered the delinquent world at the same time her Toman friends did by making lots of connections with such determination while looking as if...she's desperate about something.

It's almost three years and it's still considered a mystery among her friends and to some people.

But now, let's really go back to the current situation at hand...

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