「5」- Toman

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Without even getting the chance to look at the person who called, [Y/n] who just left school with Mitsuya accompanying her to discuss on what they should do first to help regain her loss memories was startled when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist as the person who called her clings like some type of koala and she could only stare at Mitsuya.

He swore he saw her eyes multiply due to the way it shook too much in panic.

"Mikey, get off." The lilac said blankly which Mikey, the person who was clinging onto [Y/n] pouted his lips.

"Don't wanna." He huffed then looked at the female's [e/c] eyes with a smile on his face. "Did you miss me [n/n]?" The blonde asked before rubbing his cheek against her a bit gently.

"Ah!" A female voice shouted and when everyone looked at the person they saw another two teens, both with blonde hair.

"Mikey, let go!" The blonde girl exclaimed while pulling said person away from [Y/n]. "I said I don't wanna." Mikey answered with puffed cheeks and only tightened his hold.

"Let me hug [Y/n], too!" She shouted, obviously not minding the weird looks they're getting from other people.

The female who was being argued over by the two who seemed like siblings felt suffocated and she could only stare at Mitsuya intensely, hinting for him to help her.

"Settle down you two."A deep voice scolds from behind, looking as if this was a regular thing as his expression was blank.

"Hey there [Y/n]." Another blonde greeted. He was taller compared to the other four and he had a dragon tattoo on the left side of his head. He looked really intimidating.

"Let go." Was the only thing she said in a low voice which caught them off guard and the two blonde siblings to loosen their grip on her. [Y/n] took this as an opportunity to slip out and hide behind Mitsuya in a swift manner.

Her action didn't fail to make his heart skip a beat.

"Sorry, I forgot to warn you about Mikey." Mitsuya whispered to her with a sheepish smile, not minding the small guy's glaring. "He's the one you gotta watch out the most." He warns, the two now on their own world while their friends watch them whisper.

"As far as I know among all your friends, he's the most clingy one towards you."He informs which the girl answered with a nodding head, silently taking notes in her mind.

"Next is his sister, Emma." [Y/n] glanced at the said person. She saw her flash a smile with a small wave of her hand. "Then their older brother, Izana." Mitsuya saw her look at Draken next making him shake his head a little.

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