「29」- Unspoken feelings

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"What're you doing, Takemitchy?"

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"What're you doing, Takemitchy?"

The familiar voice belonged to non other than Draken. He had a small smile adorning his handsome and intimidating feature but when his dark eyes caught sight of [Y/n] – her bloody mouth and hand, it disappeared instantly as it was replaced with shock.

"[Y/n]?" He called out, voice quiet and low when he did so. His eyes were full of concern and fear at the same time.

The scene reminded him of the time when Mitsuya told him about what happened with their female friend being attacked. He even described her appearance when they finally saw her at the hospital then.

"D-Draken-kun!" Takemichi called out, snapping him out of his trance. "I-I don't know what happened." He stuttered out.

"We were..were just talking and suddenly [Y-Y/n]-san c-coughed blood and now she's...I think she passed out." He told the tall male in a shaky voice.

"I-I asked her if I should take her to the hospital but [Y/n]-san, s-she said she didn't wanna go and that she hates it there...I don't know what to do." He cried even harder. "Please help me...please help [Y/n]-san."

"Why are you crying as if someone's dying?" [Y/n] asked in a weak voice after opening her eyes and looking at Draken.

"Don't give me that look." She rasped out before smiling. "I'm not dying m' fi–"

Another cough with blood.

[Y/n] drew a sharp breath while the two blonde teens' worries only went higher when they saw her brow twitch and her face contorting to a painful expression.

"[Y/n]-san?!" Takemichi shouts out of concern. His pupils dilated while his mouth was agape open.

More cold sweat trailed down her already pale face. Everything hurt – not just her heart this time but every inch of her body.

"Ken-chin!" Mikey arrives with a huge smile on his face behind his tall friend. "I got my Dorayaki and [n/n]'s favorite, let's go visit...."

He didn't finish his sentence as when he got close enough, his eyes widened and his beaming smile disappeared.

He gave a reaction just like Draken.

"[N/n]...?" The two other blondes looked at the shorter male. They know Mikey was now beyond worried due to way how his pupils dilated even if it was only for a second.

"We're taking her to the hospital." Draken declared before scooping the shaking girl in his arms.

"No..." [Y/n] retorts with uneven breathing which caused for the person who picked her up frown and open his mouth to retaliate too.

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