「14」- Festival

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❝ This chapter may contain some tw for some readers. Said readers are advised to take caution.❞




"Are you just gonna stand there and stare?"

Mitsuya sent [Y/n] a sheepish smile and she only smirked in return. The result would always make his heart do flip and heat his cheeks up. He can't exactly tell why he always found that damn smirk of hers so charming.

It's just undeniably alluring. That's the word he'd describe if he does get asked about it.

"Sorry." He apologized first. "You're beautiful, by the way." His sweet tone and words didn't fail to catch [Y/n] off guard.

"So beautiful that you took my breath away and made me speechless." He was smiling while enjoying the girl's flustered state. Her mother giggled softly while the father rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"E-Enough." [Y/n] stammered and forced a cough. "Let's go already." She says her bye to her parents first before stepping out, her face still red and hot that she started to cool it down by using her hand as a fan.

"I'm rooting for you, Taka-nii!" Whispered shout the little boy, Akio making Mitsuya to grin and thank him then jog his way to the [h/c] girl after politely saying his farewell to the parents and telling them that he'd bring her back home safe and not too late.

"I have to admit." Hiroshi starts while he and his wife both watch the two teens walk further away from them. "The kid is good." He hums. "He's as smooth as butter."

"Seeing our daughter really reminds me of you. The times when we were at their age, too." The man puts a hand on her waist. "Ah, yes. Those were the times when I had a lot of rivals." Youko giggles at her husbands' actions.

"Those days were hard but look at us today." Hiroshi continues. "I'm such a lucky guy, aren't I?" His wife agrees with a peck on his lips. Akio grimaces as he closes the door then went to the kitchen to get some snack and went to his room, leaving his parents get all lovey dovey that it made his skin crawl.


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