「Aftermath」- part 2

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A white haired girl started with a whisper and shaking shoulders.

"You said that you'll start learning how to fight again." Senju Akashi stands before [Y/n]'s dead body inside the hospital with a white blanket covering her body that only showed her pale skin; shoulder, neck, and face.

"So you could beat the shit out of the person who hurt you..." she bit her quivering lips.

One moment she was just chilling or relaxing on top of a couch while watching tv inside her home then the next thing she knew, she was at a hospital after one phone call from a crying Emma.

"And you said I'll be your training buddy..." she lowered her head as heavy tears streamed down her face. "You promised..!"

Senju's lips fell downwards and only more tears came out. "Aaah....[Y/n].....please wake up."

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"My son, Akio..." Hiroshi started as a gentle smile shows on his tired face. "He always admired you boys on how cool you were and it made me jealous, you know?"

The man laughed softly at his own words. "He likes to draw you all just like how his big sister does." He handed several papers with bright coloring and drawings to Draken.

"His favorite however was you, Ryuguji-kun." Said person pursed his lips and nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm sure you were aware of it." Hiroshi smiled kindly.

The boys each all looked at said drawings. The sight made their heart warm but at the same time broke it.

"And as for my daughter...[Y/n] really cherished you all as her friends and thought of you as her family, too." Hiroshi hummed and gave them a bag with sketchbooks inside it.

"With so many sketchbooks, drawings of you all in it, you could tell how much she adored and loved you all, right?" He chuckled while the boys all started to take a look at the contents of sketchbooks.

"So that's why, please attend their funeral." Hiroshi states while bowing his head which startled them all.

"There's no need for you-" Keisuke was the first to speak his mind but got cut off instantly. "My wife and I...we do not blame any you boys for what happened so please, I ask you all to come and visit the two of them."

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