「27」- Which is more...?

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"He wasn't in any future I saw

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"He wasn't in any future I saw."

It went silent between the two again and the only thing they could hear was the distant chatter of the few people or customers inside the cafe and the gentle music playing to add at the calm atmosphere inside, well except for two certain teens.

[Y/n] let out a small hum and opened her mouth to speak to finally break the silence, as well as the awkward tension surrounding them yet again.

"But there's no need for you to worry about him." Was she told the blonde boy first. "All you have to do is give me the information I need about what and when he committed his crime against me."

[Y/n] showed a beaming smile which gave an eerie vibe for Takemichi's point of view. "I'll handle him myself."

With an expectant look from the girl, Takemichi broke a cold sweat. "[Y/n]-san..." he called then swallowed the lump in his throat that formed so quick due to the sudden anxiety he felt.

"What? Got more questions?" She asked with blinking eyes. "That can wait. Would you oh so kindly answer mine fi–"

Her inquiry was cut off by Takemichi's next words. The spark in her eyes just disappeared and it went back to being sharp and cold.

He took a deep breath before continuing as he knows that what he's about to tell won't end well, especially for the person that committed a heinous crime against the girl's little sibling.

"In the current future I saw..." he trailed. "Akio was also dead." His previous action which was taking a deep breath to calm himself was for naught when took a look at [Y/n]'s to see what kind of expression she had on her face.

That was a mistake he did.

His breathing stopped unbeknownst to himself. Knowing how scary the girl already was even if she wasn't angry, Takemichi at least thought of how she'd be if she really was but he didn't know that seeing the real thing was scary itself.

Let's say...he anticipated this but at the same time, not.

He contemplates whether what was more scarier. A person who openly shouts what they're gonna do to the person that caused their immense anger with such vulgar and unimaginable words while throwing objects,


A person who's obviously angry...much more than that actually, but doesn't do anything and just stares with an icy gaze without exchanging any words because they're probably thinking of the possible hundreds or millions things on what to do with the person who ignited the blazing fire within them.

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