Chapter 86 - Healing

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Whispers raced throughout the room like the gentle hissing of a dozen deadly snakes.

Somehow those whispers turned to hisses that surrounded a twisted vision of Voldemort.

The Basilisk.

Nagini striking in the ruined home of Bathilda Bagshot.

A scream, a flash of hideous green light and-

Harriet opened her eyes with a gasp.

Severus, Ingrid, Healer Margot, and the midwife who had attended Little Sev's birth all blinked down at her.

"My love......" Severus frowned as he quickly took her hand.

Harriet slowly became aware she had been returned to her home.

As she glanced to the side, she recognized the familiar colours of her blankets.

She lay in her nest.

"Harriet!" Healer Margot exclaimed.

Ingrid watched her great great daughter-in-law closely as the midwife spoke, "My goodness, Mrs. Snape! What a terrible fright you gave us all! Your poor alpha was nearly inconsolable when I arrived!"

"Wh-What happened?" Harriet blinked.

"You've pushed yourself over the brink, my dear! That's what's happened!" The midwife laughed mirthlessly, "It's done now, you're safe, but you're a prisoner of your own making. You won't be leaving this bed much until those three little ones are safely in the world, I'm afraid."

Harriet furrowed her brow as she thought back.

The last memory she had was of the room darkening around her as she felt herself fall down, down, down......

"ASTORIA?!?!" Harriet blurted out, "What about Astoria?!"

"The youngest Mrs. Malfoy is resting comfortably." Severus explained in his deep voice as he raised Harriet's hand to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss.

"Our efforts were successful!" Healer Margot told Harriet with a bright, beaming smile, "She is exhausted as well, but cured and on the road to recovery! She may be in bed a few weeks herself though, given her ordeal. I daresay that after this, she'll go on to live a normal lifespan, free from the pain she's had to endure."

"She'll live?" Harriet asked as she swallowed thickly, struggling with her scrambled mind to gain a proper summary of the recent events.

"Yes!" Healer Margot laughed, "She will live!"

Harriet closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief as she let her head rest against the fluffy pillows.

She heard Severus murmur something to the three women before she noticed the sound of shuffling feet, followed a few seconds later by the closing of the bedroom door.

When Harriet opened her eyes again, there was only Severus there, still holding her hand as he sat on the side of her nest.

The disapproving scowl on his pale face made her chuckle.

"I know you're angry with me, Sev." Harriet said with a wry smile.

"It displeases me that you gambled with your life and our children's." Severus remarked in his decadent voice.

"I wasn't trying to gamble with anyone's life." Harriet yawned, "I couldn't just let Astoria die, could I?"

"Draco could have sat at her side instead." Severus reasoned.

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