Chapter 20 - Pleasant Plans

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It was surprising to Harriet how much she initially regretted her rejection of Severus's offer.

After they returned Teddy to his grandmother's care and resumed their positions as headmaster and assistant, the busyness of the semester came roaring back.

Harriet grappled with fatigue and a sense of......remorse.

She watched Severus carefully during that last week in October, using her hormones to see through his hardened exterior by using careful analysis.

He spoke firmly when he commanded students so that they would listen to him, obey the rules, and ultimately, stay safe.

Despite the approved curriculum, in each potions class, Severus continued to teach his own methods, which were far more efficient than those found in the textbooks, and thus, more helpful to his pupils.

Harriet imagined Severus being a strict but loving parent to their child.

She imagined Severus guiding their little one and looking out for them at every available opportunity.

Those thoughts made her heart swell.

There were several days when she longed to go back to the cottage.

She wanted to see Severus interact with Teddy again and watch the careful look on his face while he monitored the little boy.

Harriet was filled with conflicting emotions.

She had already chosen her career path.

Simple domesticity had never been her goal.

Why should that change?

Besides, she couldn't drop out of the Auror program, that wasn't an option.

Harriet's progress in training would not be recorded.

She would have to repeat years of effort and start over from the very beginning.

As Harriet dressed herself for Halloween dinner in the Great Hall on that last weekend in October, she looked in the mirror and marveled that her robes still fit.

Mostly black, with a little red velvet here and there, her flowing garments managed to hide any subtle changes to her figure.

It didn't particularly bother Harriet that she wasn't showing yet, but it did make her blush whenever she caught Severus stealing impatient glances at her flat belly.

Although he said nothing about it, Harriet knew that her alpha was waiting to see the evidence that his child was growing inside her.

While she fastened her robes while she looked at her reflection in the floor length mirror, Severus walked up behind her and held her gaze in the glass.

"I'm nearly ready." Harriet whispered as her fingers kept closing the buttons, working a little harder when they made their way to her full breasts.

In the sensible part of his mind, Severus noticed that his omega had neglected to purchase a new bra that was the correct size for her enlarged curves.

In the more primitive portion of his thoughts, Severus tried not to drool as he watched his mate's swollen glands rebel against her fingers until they were forced into their tight confines while Harriet fastened her robes up to the base of her throat.

Severus said nothing back to Harriet for a moment, but when he laid his hands gently on the sides of her hips, she inclined her head and blinked up at him.

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