Chapter 24 - The Snapes' Nest

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

In their spare time, the Snapes began the tedious task of house hunting.

Three weeks later, their search had proven fruitless.

As Severus and Harriet toured yet another home one Saturday afternoon, he grew hopeful that perhaps their quest for the perfect nest would conclude soon.

Harriet had been much more difficult to please than Severus or their realtor, a cheerful and patient blonde witch, had anticipated.

He attributed a large part of his wife's choosiness to her condition.

Harriet had recently entered her third trimester and the birth wasn't terribly far off.

Severus may not have had the nesting instincts that Harriet possessed, but that didn't mean that he wasn't also anxiously waiting to secure a home in which he and his mate could comfortably welcome their pup.

"If you two will follow me, please....." The blonde witch smiled as she gestured over to her clients.

Severus kept one hand protectively on Harriet's lower back as she sighed under her breath and walked beside him while they trailed behind their realtor.

"I think you'll find the living area to your liking.....Have a look around and let me know what you think! The bedrooms are all upstairs and there's even a little nook in the would be perfect for nesting!" The realtor nodded at Mr. and Mrs. Snape as they passed by her.

Harriet kept one hand on her belly while she and Severus stepped through the hallway and into the living area of the dwelling.

Her back ached but Severus's gentle palm helped soothe that minor irritation.

The living area was spacious.

The kitchen was adequate.

Harriet slowly walked around the house with Severus protectively hovering nearby.

When he noticed the thorough stare that she gave each room and the gentle pout on her lips, he smirked slightly.

A pout was better than a frown or a scowl.

Perhaps his wife had finally found a home that she deemed suitable for their family?

Harriet paused in front of the bedroom window upstairs to stare out at the lavender field across from the property that they may potentially purchase.

"......And is this at least somewhat decent for you, Mrs. Snape?" Severus asked as he swept up behind Harriet and let his hands possessively cradle her rounded sphere of a belly.

".........I like it here." Harriet murmured in a quiet response.

Severus stiffened when he felt a flurry of motion land under his fingers for a fascinating, fleeting second.

Harriet drew in a slow breath as Severus curiously pressed his hands over her womb.

"Ah!......I think the baby likes it here too." Harriet gasped as the little one inside her gave a sharp kick that landed just beside Severus's thumb.

He took one hand off of her abdomen and tilted her head up towards him.

Harriet looked at her alpha with that tenderness in her green eyes that he had come to adore before he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.

Their kiss was short but passionate, and Severus nipped at her lips as he pulled away.

With great reluctance, he let his hand slip off of her belly.

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