Chapter 54 - Learning

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Severus managed to explain what had happened to Harriet, though he noticed that she sometimes held her own conversations with Ingrid.

It remained a mystery to Severus whether or not the two women discussed anything his ancestor had revealed to him.

Ingrid was impossible to read by using Legilimency.

To Severus's curiosity, he noticed those moments of their shared conversations always appeared to be missing from Harriet's memories whenever he used the magical art to skim her thoughts.

Regardless, the first few weeks of little Sev's life passed by in a hazy blur of exhausted bliss.

Upon returning to his office at the Ministry, Severus was met by happy smiles, applause, and congratulations.

He bristled in response to all of the unwanted attention.

If he hadn't needed to keep Harriet safely hidden away in her secondary nest, he would have gladly thrust his wife forward to handle the obligation of receiving those social pleasantries.

The Minister for Magic took to secluding himself in his office more than usual as he poured over his work and kept a close watch on his little family.

Maggie often sat in her mother's nest while Rabbie waited patiently on the floor for her to once again resume her seat in her chair and explore the confines of the secret room built within her father's office.

Little Sev continued to grow and thrive safely from his mother's arms while his father worked the days away, though Severus held his small bundle during occasional pauses or while he reviewed documents.

One afternoon, Harriet sat on the bed in the adjacent room with Maggie and read a story to their daughter as she prepared to take her daily nap.

Severus held their little son on his chest while he glanced over a roll of parchment that had been submitted for his scrutiny.

Not yet hungry, sleepy, or needing changed, little Sev pulled at his father's collar while he kicked his tiny feet and blinked around at what his dark eyes could see of the office.

Severus glanced at his little one as the baby squealed excitedly after he put a tiny hand on his father's pale cheek.

In one smooth motion, Severus moved his face out of his son's grasp and frowned as he questioned, "Do you want your mother?"

Little Sev blinked his large, dark eyes as he stared at his father.

Severus scowled as his son broke out into a happy grin just before a content coo left his minuscule lips.

".........Not yet?" Severus asked.

The baby ignored him as his attention turned to the dark strands of hair that fell around Severus's face.

Fascinated by the silky blackness, little Sev dared to reach out and let his tiny, chubby fingers touch his father's hair.

Knowing full well what would come next, Severus hastily moved his hair out of his son's reach, which earned a tiny sniffle of protest from the infant.

As Severus watched his baby, he struggled not to smirk at the exaggerated pout that had formed on the child's lips.

"You'll have to find another toy." Severus coldly informed his son, "Now.....please quiet yourself and allow me to finish my work.......Your sister's trying to sleep in the next room."

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