Chapter 29 - Maggie Snape

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Severus Snape knew the meaning of each flower and every herb both inside and outside of a cauldron.

He understood that magnolia trees symbolize strength, perseverance, beauty, and for those reasons, he and Harriet decided on their daughter's name, Magnolia Snape.

They affectionately nicknamed their infant daughter "Maggie".

Baby Maggie exhibited the qualities of the magnolia tree in her first few harrowing weeks of life, but with every passing day, just as the blooms on a flowering tree blossomed, she shrugged off certain demise and progressed towards a bright future.

Strength and perseverance, that's what Severus's daughter displayed as she willed herself to survive.

Beauty, that's what he found when he looked into her emerald eyes.

The nurses in Harriet's hospital room applauded the morning that the new mother finally succeeded in getting her baby to nurse.

As bizarre as it felt to have that many people staring at his mate, even if they were other omegas, Severus's chest swelled with pride as happy tears watered in Harriet's eyes while Maggie found the ability to suckle.

Harriet glanced up at Severus with a wry smile on her fair face.

Harriet felt profoundly relieved that Maggie had grown so well, but she would miss the massages from her husband's warm hands that had helped her milk leak into vials.

Severus didn't see Harriet's smile for a moment, his black gaze remained focused on Maggie.

As elated as he was that his daughter thrived, it saddened him that his days of cuddling his pup against himself and feeding her with that tiny spoon had come to an end.

Once Maggie had finished eating, Harriet handed her to Severus for a moment.

His baby girl smiled up at him for a fleeting second.

"Don't worry, Mr. Snape, that's just gas." A nurse said behind Severus, quick to explain away his daughter's smile.

Severus stared down at his baby and ignored the nurse's words.

Was it......gas?

How could that nurse know?

Maggie's adorable smile felt real enough.

He felt the walls around his heart crumble away while his small daughter gazed at him.

Severus's robes were buttoned up to his collar, but he cradled his infant close to his chest in the same manner that he had when she had depended on his warmth to keep her alive.

Maggie fell asleep in seconds, with her little face pushed against Severus so that his heartbeat echoed through her ears.

Daddy was there, everything was alright.

Tears watered in Severus's black eyes for a terrifying second, yet he managed to blink them away before anyone noticed.

The beginning days of Maggie's existence had been nerve-racking, but Severus had been deeply humbled by the unexpected bond that he shared with his daughter as a result.


It was a victory for Severus and Harriet when mother and baby were released at last from St. Mungo's.

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