Chapter 68 - Severus's Meeting

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The following morning, Severus wore a firm scowl on his face as he stalked through the stony corridors of Hogwarts.

"Ah, Severus!" McGonagall exclaimed once he walked into her office, "How lovely it is to see you again!"

She smiled fondly as Severus nodded and approached the chair across from her desk's mahogany edge.

"The pleasure is all mine, Minerva. You look well." He greeted his friend as they both took their seats.

"As do you." McGonagall replied, "I would have never guessed family life would have suited our very own Professor Snape so well..........Forgive me, I suppose you must be called Minister for Magic now!"

"You flatter me, Minerva." Severus quipped, "........My professional life has been largely dedicated to academia and its pursuits, a term or two of public office will hardly change that."

McGonagall smiled wryly as a heavy silence settled between them.

Severus bristled under its weight as he frowned, "May I ask then, what matter Hogwarts has to discuss with the Ministry? While I am certainly glad to be reunited with an old friend, Minerva, your request struck Harriet and I as more than a touch......odd."

"Forgive me, Severus." She answered, "I was careful with my wording, in case my letter fell into the wrong hands."

"'The wrong hands'......?" Severus echoed as he furrowed his brow.

McGonagall took a deep breath before she looked at her guest and began to explain, "Hogwarts sent a letter yesterday to one Magnolia Snape, who lives on the edge of Hogsmeade's forest."

"How strange......." Severus said as his frown deepened, "Perhaps the parcel became lost in the mail?"

"On the contrary, Severus, I know quite well the owl sent to carry the letter did in fact, reach its destination." McGonagall nodded.

Severus narrowed his eyes at her incredulously as she reached out and handed him Maggie's reply as she nodded, ".......Based on the response we received."

McGonagall watched as Severus took the letter from her and read over his daughter's handwriting with a scowl.

She frowned as Severus raised his dark gaze to meet hers with a look of mortified disbelief on his pale face.

"You may want to have a chat with your daughter, Severus." McGonagall suggested, "We sent her letter, but it doesn't seem as if Miss Snape is interested in receiving any more."


Severus returned to his office at the Ministry a short while later with Maggie's response hidden in the pocket of his robes.

While the children were home with Ingrid and Disencan, Severus took the opportunity to discuss the issue with Harriet in between handling his duties.

He watched a frown drift over his wife's face as she read the message their daughter had sent to the castle.

".......Maggie wrote this?" Harriet asked as she glanced up at her husband once she had finished.

"Shall we speak to her about it this evening?" Severus frowned.

"I.....I've never heard of anyone refusing their Hogwarts letter." She laughed mirthlessly as she raised a hand to her head, "I.....I'm not sure what to think of it, to be honest."

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