Chapter 71 - The Sorting Hat Ceremony

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As Minister for Magic and personal friend of the headmistress, Severus was invited, along with Harriet, to attend Maggie's sorting.

Harriet happily chatted with Hogwarts' staff while Severus engaged in stoic conversation as he wore a serious frown, to make it appear they had come to the castle on Ministry business that night.

McGonagall was hoping to avoid an influx of letters from angry, jealous parents who had not received the honour of being present.

Although Harriet and Severus continued their conversations as the doors to the Great Hall opened and the new first year students cautiously stepped inside the room, they both glanced over as their daughter entered.

Hogwarts' older pupils eyed the newcomers while they whispered to one another, but Maggie shrugged aside the curious stares she received as she rolled her chair down the aisle.

She was too preoccupied talking to Scorpius to harbor any qualms about acceptance.

The soft smile on her lips lit up her face as Scorpius's grey eyes sparkled while they spoke to one another.

Severus frowned at the children.

Harriet scowled.

As the first years gathered around the platform at the front of the room, McGonagall stepped forward and began the Sorting Ceremony.

While the stool and Hat were brought over, Harriet whispered to Severus, "We can let her make a friend, I suppose, Sev......Even if he is a Malfoy. Besides, he'll go to Slytherin and she'll be in Gryffindor like me, anyway."

Severus narrowed his dark eyes at his wife as he replied in his low drawl, "Nonsense......she's cunning and ambitious.......The Hat will certainly place her into Slytherin as well."

"No, she-" Harriet scowled as she began to retort.

McGonagall's shrill voice cut her off.

"-Scorpius Malfoy!"

Whispers rang out as every student in the Great Hall discussed Scorpius's family while he stepped forward and sat on the stool.

Maggie watched along with everyone else as Scorpius's expression melted into a miserable scowl while he waited for the Hat to place him into his father's house.

"Hmm......." The Hat mused as it wrinkled its brim, "Bit of a chain breaker, aren't you, boy? Very well, then, very well.......GRYFINNDOR!"

Scorpius's grey eyes snapped wide open as his lips parted in absolute shock.

Gasps of surprise rang out but Maggie just clapped her hands.

"G-Gryffindor?" Scorpius asked as he swallowed thickly, but McGonagall had already removed the Hat from his head.

"Go on, Mr. Malfoy." She nodded as he stood from the stool, trembling with surprise, "Your new housemates are waiting for you."

Silence fell over the Great Hall as Scorpius stepped down from the platform.

Harriet hadn't quite told Maggie all of the stories from the past.

Maggie didn't understand why her new acquaintance's sorting was of any real significance as she smiled at him and whispered, "Congratulations, that was my Mum's house!"

Scorpius stared at her with his mouth still agape and his eyes still wide as he passed by and sat down at Gryffindor's table.

Severus and Harriet couldn't help but feel sympathy for the boy as his housemates quickly scooted away from him to leave him sitting by himself, shunned and rejected.

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