Chapter 80 - Hogwarts

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Although Harriet and Severus focused on their children for the rest of Hogwarts' winter recess, sadness plagued Harriet as she considered Draco's unfortunate situation.

Reaching out in kindness, Harriet penned a letter one morning while Severus chatted with Maggie and Little Sev in the kitchen:

Dear Mrs. Astoria Malfoy,

It was lovely to meet you over the holidays. If you ever find yourself up to it, I'd be delighted to have tea.


Harriet Snape, Wife of the Minister for Magic

Severus watched Harriet send her letter off with the first owl that flew to the windowsill.

He asked no questions as she joined the family at the dining table, but as he stared into her eyes and read her thoughts, he realized to whom she had written.

A sense of humble pride flowed through Severus's heart as he gazed at his beautiful wife.

Harriet's kindness remained one of her best qualities that had first attracted him to her.

Severus frowned as Harriet immediately joined in the conversation.

While she spoke to their children, he gladly took the opportunity to stare at his mate in loving adoration.


It took a week, but Harriet finally received a reply from Mrs. Malfoy.

She held the brief letter in her hands while she spoke to Severus.

The lines scrawled on it clearly read:

Mrs. Harriet Snape,

It was a pleasure to meet you as well! My son talks about your daughter all the time. She seems to be a very sweet girl and your family is very lovely! I would be delighted to have tea, though I can't currently guarantee a date. I'm afraid I struggle to get out of bed most days. Perhaps you can come by the house for a visit when you have the chance?


Astoria Malfoy

Harriet clutched the letter while she sat and watched her husband fasten the many buttons on his dark robes.

"And you're certain you won't harbor resentment towards me for this?" Severus asked Harriet as they prepared to travel to the Ministry early one morning.

Little Sev still slept in his bed while Disencan hurried around the kitchen, tending to breakfast.

"No, Sev, not at all." Harriet replied with a wry smile, "It was wrong of me insist that you stay in office. I suppose I didn't want you to give up anymore of yourself for us.....Maybe that's it?"

"And if I were to remain there, my love..." Severus sighed as he looked at Harriet, "Surely, you understand I'd give up far more?........On every front?"

"Yeah, Sev." Harriet nodded, "I do."

After they went to the kitchen for breakfast, the couple ate in silence until Harriet smiled, "I will miss that secret room though."

"My love........?" he asked.

"Yes?" Harriet blinked.

"My intentions are to resume if not the headmaster position, then another teaching expenditure at the castle, as you know." Severus drawled.

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