Chapter 25 - Expectations

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

On the morning of Harriet's Auror exam, she and Severus stood in their bedroom while they readied for the day.

Harriet had chosen to complete her test on Wednesday instead of Saturday.

She had wanted to get the process over with as quickly as possible, but her eagerness had agitated Severus.

"I'll be quick, I promise. You can't come with me though, your leave hasn't started yet......Unless you intend to make McGonagall teach your classes this morning?" Harriet laughed as she pulled on her robes.

Severus abhorred the idea of his expectant mate being out of his sight.

As each day passed by and the arrival of their baby became more imminent, Severus's protectiveness only seemed to increase.

"........Your exam is scheduled to last for two hours." Severus drawled in his low voice. He glanced over at Harriet while he fastened the buttons of his robes, "I'll return during the first break between the morning's classes. However, I fully expect you to then accompany me back to the castle and stay there for the remainder of the day."

"Of course." Harriet replied with a nod.

Severus's leave of absence from Hogwarts would begin at the end of the week, but until that time came, Harriet had succeeded in constructing a very desirable second nest in his unused chambers.

Whenever she felt tired or a bit off during the academic day, she excused herself from her position as his assistant to go and lie in its soft layers for a while.

Severus's watchful, cautious care had served her well.

At each of Harriet's visits with her midwife, the healthcare worker proudly expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Snape how well mother and baby were doing and how smoothly the pregnancy was progressing.

Harriet knew it wouldn't be too much longer before she'd be receiving updates about her newborn and her recovery instead, but that morning she had other things on her mind.

Once she was dressed, she walked up to Severus and took a moment to press a deep kiss against his lips before she left for the Ministry.

Severus frowned once he stood alone in their bedroom.

He glanced towards Harriet's nest on the floor and scowled in eager anticipation.

Once his leave of absence started and his wife passed her exam, their situation would become much more relaxed.

Severus could devote himself solely to Harriet and their baby without having to worry about his duties at the castle.

Harriet would no longer have to contend with her training or her role as the headmaster's assistant.

Severus apparated out of his bedroom.

His scowl lessened as he thought while he journeyed towards Hogwarts.

Only a few more days until he could spend every waking second at Harriet's side.........

Only a few more weeks until he could cuddle his son or daughter.....


Harriet had no trouble arriving at the Ministry a short while later or finding the room where her exam was being administered.

There were a handful of other program participants present who had also elected to test early.

Their program's final year wasn't up for several weeks, but by then, Harriet and the others present that day had logged enough hours in their assigned positions that they were deemed eligible to complete their last assessment, if they themselves felt they were capable.

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