Chapter 28 - A Princely Father

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Regardless of the gratitude that Severus felt towards Disencan, the house elf vanished from his thoughts as the team of fast-working medical personnel admitted Harriet to a room and flurried around her.

The healers and nurses clad in white robes quickly pushed Severus to the side while they cut the cord and took the baby from Harriet.

He watched in anxious horror as the medical team administered a healing charm and two different elixirs in an effort to stop the bleeding from his wife's womb.

Severus felt like he was looking through an odd window into an alternate universe as his daughter, who was far too small, waved her minuscule limbs as the healers cleaned her with a hasty medical spell and swaddled her in a warm towel.

Harriet couldn't see Severus through all of the hubbub, but with what little strength she had left, she still tried to peer through the healthcare workers who tended her.

None of it hurt, the bleeding, the charm, or the first elixir that she had been given.

Her womb had cramped from giving birth, but Harriet felt so weak that she barely noticed when the healers helped her deliver the placenta.

Shortly afterwards, she consumed the second elixir.

Her cramps disappeared.

The urgent chatter around her ceased.

Harriet let herself surrender to the comforting warmth that started in her swollen abdomen and spanned out across her body as it enveloped her in a blanket of peaceful sleep.


"Mr. Snape?"

The healer frowned as Severus stared at his wife and child with his dark eyes narrowed as a scowl appeared on his face that depicted mortal dread.

"......Mr. Snape?" The healer asked again.

When Severus failed to acknowledge the healer a second time, the man reached out and put a comforting hand on Severus's shoulder, ".....Mr. Snape?"

Severus flinched violently at the unwelcome intrusion.

Both men started as Severus turned to stare at the healer with wide eyes.

"Mr. Snape!" The healer gasped, "Forgive me, I was only trying to get your attention. I'm the one who's been assigned to supervise your wife and daughter's care."

Severus hadn't even noticed that the man had been standing next to him.

Speechless, but ready to hear whatever news the healer had to tell him, Severus narrowed his eyes as he silently waited for the man to go on.

"Your wife lost a lot of blood, but otherwise, the delivery appears to have gone well for her. You did very well for a man in your position. She was quite fortunate to have you with her at such a perilous moment." The healer nodded.

Severus gnashed his teeth at the healer while he responded, "My wife was abducted and victimized....... Her labour began as a result of the shock...... I had no choice but to-" 

The healer nodded as he cut him off, "-Yes, most likely, your hypothesis is correct. She was still lucky to have you, Mr. Snape, a lot of men in your situation would have frozen or fainted.......I'm afraid that your little girl will have a bit of a longer road to recovery, but I think with some help that she'll be just fine. Your wife will sleep for the next couple of days while that second elixir restores her, then we'll get her on regular doses of a blood-replenishing potion......which means that you can take your daughter to seek care."

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